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Pic's of your pontoon setup?
Well, so much for the noble simplicity of float tubing!

Outdoor and angling writer Jack Ellis once observed the degree to which we enjoy fishing is directly proportional to the level of complexity we bring to it. If that is true, you must be speechless in your ecstatic.

Great set up!


I've just unboxed a "Chehalis" frameless 'toon from Classic Accessories. Literally - it came yesterday. Nota top of top of the line item, I know, but I couldn't pass on the price.

This will be my first ever experience with such a thing, so I'm not looking for any epiphanies. I am aware, too, that this thing is a stock model. A few side pouches for stowage are about all it offers in the way of utility features. And it has oars smack in the middle of the sidewalls. THAT is bound to offer some challenges.

I expect to need rod holders for both fly and spinning, rods.... and that is about the sum of my expectations. I'll do without a FF/sonar, powered propulsion, dog bed or kitchen sink. This is a sort of "trial run" for me, to see how I like this mode of fishing.

Coming here to see the various mods people make to enhance their enjoyment of the sport, I am, literally blown away. [shocked]
Most employ enough PVC pipe to plumb a house (I noted this in another post), then they add on everything from motors to, well, kitchen sinks.
I am encouraged, at least.

I appreciate your feedback and I look forward to educatin' myself at your expense, so to speak. I find myself standing on the shoulders of giants, a stranger in a strange land.

Question - is the world of inflatable 'toons n' tubes a wholly Western phenom? From my perspective here in the Heart of Dixie, it certainly seems so....

Messages In This Thread
Pic's of your pontoon setup? - by Boatiac - 11-13-2013, 06:59 PM
Re: [albinotrout] Pic's of your pontoon setup? - by dayhut - 02-23-2014, 05:21 PM

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