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Fudd Friday on UL 4-4-14
Sometime during the 1960's (don't remember the exact date), for a couple years, they allowed chumming for all fish in Utah. It became extremely popular to buy a can of whole-kernel corn and either by hand or through the use of a flipper scatter the corn all around the area that one was fishing. It was reported that Strawberry had a two-inch blanket of corn on the bottom of it. That may have been true in a few isolated areas, but definitely not over the entire (much smaller in those days) reservoir. It was also rumored that corn was killing the trout, because they would eat the corn and couldn't pass it through their digestive system. Many have pointed out that this is false. Apparently, the logic has been, ever since then, that if anglers are allowed to have corn in their possession that they will be unable to resist the temptation to chum with it.

Messages In This Thread
Fudd Friday on UL 4-4-14 - by TubeDude - 04-05-2014, 12:23 PM
Re: [Tin-Can] Fudd Friday on UL 4-4-14 - by kentofnsl - 04-07-2014, 12:40 AM

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