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Fudd Friday on UL 4-4-14
[quote TubeDude][#0000FF]On Utah Lake it is really not too hard to figure out the cold water cats. They tend to show up in several different areas but are spread you have to move around and try different depths to find them on any given day. That can change from day to day or even during the same temps warm or cool during the transition periods.

You also have to have several different baits to try as their preferred provender also changes often.

Love ya Tubedude, and others who try to help, but every time I get a reply like this I think of the couple dozen times between ice off and 58 degrees water temp where I fished all day and Into the dark with worms, white bass, carp chunks, chubs, shrimp, liver, bacon, and deer meat at AF, Lindon, Pelican, Bubbleup, the Knolls etc, and zigzagged from shallow to deep in my tube (leg powered) with and without bobbers, bottom dragging, drifting, slow trolling, and letting them sit on the bottom. All without catching a catfish. The advice given is consistently consistent with what I am already doing, in large part because I was probably taking your advice In the first place. .

Then, consistently, there is always a pivotal moment, usually my third trip, and usually on a nice day after several nice days, and usually about the third or last week of April, where I suddenly catch a cat, sometimes while trying for crappie in the brush or something. And from then on it's wide open and I start bringing them in. That's just how my record goes. [sly]

I covet the ability to find a nice catfish in the wind and sleet of early March.

Messages In This Thread
Fudd Friday on UL 4-4-14 - by TubeDude - 04-05-2014, 12:23 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Fudd Friday on UL 3-4-14 - by Springbuck - 04-07-2014, 09:53 PM

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