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Fudd Friday on UL 4-4-14
[#0000FF]Some naturally evolve into fuddism. Others have it thrust upon them. It is one of those exalted states of being and consciousness that defies both...and you usually can't remember why.

In some circles, fuddism is used interchangeably as a term for geezerism. But there are varying states that sometimes complicate accurate classification.

There is no arbitrary age demarcation point. Some are latent fudds all their lives. Some resist it until the bitter end. Those who ain't make jokes about those who are...and those who are resent the hell out of being thus classified by non-fudds.

In short, if you find yourself struggling with functions of memory, physical ability, mental agility, equilibrium, digestion and elimination...and I can't remember any may be a fudd.

No registration necessary. No annual dues or fees. We've already paid our dues and earned a bit of respect and personal space. Generally, that translates to getting little respect and being referred to as being "space cases".

Any budding geezer who wonders about whether or not they can be called a fudd...probably already are one.

Messages In This Thread
Fudd Friday on UL 4-4-14 - by TubeDude - 04-05-2014, 12:23 PM
Re: [Therapist] Fudd Friday on UL 3-4-14 - by TubeDude - 04-08-2014, 09:37 PM

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