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Am Fork Four-tilla 5-2-14
[#0000FF]My theory is that there is a very sophisticated weather generator in the middle of Utah Lake. And, it is contrarian. No matter what the meteorological forecast...based upon real science...that generator will whip up something the exact opposite of what has been forecast. And it will be entirely different for different guys on different trips in different parts of the lake. That is the only possible explanation for the hundreds of trips I have planned...based upon forecasts...and then ended up with the worst possible weather conditions for the venue I chose.

Oh yeah, there is a reason why "Mother Nature" is of the female gender. Never will be a "Daddy Nature". If there was it would always be mellow weather. Mama always gotta keep putting us guys in "our place" long as it ain't her place.

Messages In This Thread
Am Fork Four-tilla 5-2-14 - by TubeDude - 05-02-2014, 10:13 PM
Re: [Springbuck] Am Fork Four-tilla 5-2-14 - by TubeDude - 05-03-2014, 06:55 PM

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