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Oh Jeff Jeff Jeff - this pains me to say. But the one thing I can stand by as a "judge" is to be consistent. Alleviates the complaints or questions about legitimacy.

BUT - I'd grant you this - slap a BFT sticker on your backside board, and scribble 2014 on a temp-sticker, and I don't think anyone could gripe about it. Need a sticker? At least that won't blow away or be forgotten.

Nice fish though! I've very glad you got your Wiper!
Need to start drawing up more specifics on the Floatilla plans - fast approaching. Cheers mate!

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Re: [SkunkedAgain] CATFISH CONTEST 2014: SKUNKED AGAIN - by CoyoteSpinner - 05-25-2014, 02:59 PM

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