05-26-2014, 11:15 PM
Cat submission # 2 26 May 2014 Cutler / Benson Marina
[inline "(036) 22 inch Cat with BFT Placard.JPG"]
[inline (035).JPG]
After looking at the close up of the tail, I'll revise that to 21.5"
Hate to do it, but I'm gonna have to go with 21. The tail only pic shows your half, but I can only see 21 in the full-figured kitty shot. Suggest you ease back a little farther - leave an inch or so of either end. You can always crop down, but not up.
I tend to worry more about my kitties flipping than the tape, but I get what you're saying.
21 pnts[/#005000]
[inline "(036) 22 inch Cat with BFT Placard.JPG"]
[inline (035).JPG]
After looking at the close up of the tail, I'll revise that to 21.5"
Hate to do it, but I'm gonna have to go with 21. The tail only pic shows your half, but I can only see 21 in the full-figured kitty shot. Suggest you ease back a little farther - leave an inch or so of either end. You can always crop down, but not up.
I tend to worry more about my kitties flipping than the tape, but I get what you're saying.
21 pnts[/#005000]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
Or so it says on my license plate holder