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RFA (R(ecreational) F(ishing) A(lliance)

Hey there guys,

This is the B entry of the recreational sportfising organization directory.

[size 2]Last Update: Feb 16 04[/size]

Name: R(ecreational) F(ishing) A(lliance)

Location: Has a national headquarters as well as northern and southern California chapters.

Websites: [url ""] National[/url]
[url ""]Southern California[/url]
[url ""]Northern California[/url]

Membership: Open to the public.

Program: This organization is fighting for our right to fish and use public lands for outdoor recreational use. Activties are on both the national and local level.

Dues: Annual

Other: Hope you join an organization to help promote our 'right' to fish/hunt/keep or gain access to public lands.


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