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Downrigger release Question
I like the Cabelas Depth Master rods in 8 1/2 ft. medium action. I put a good bend in the rod and fasten the line 3/4 of the way in my cannon release. I prefer to pop the line out of the release vs the fish popping it out. Unless the water is rough I can tell if a fish is hitting by watching the rod tip bounce ever so slightly, it also works great on my worm harness rig when I troll Willard for the walleye. I usually troll Willard from 2 to 3 MPH. Wipers will usually rip the line out of the release, walleyes not so much. I haven't missed many fish with this set up wether I'm fishing kokes at the gorge or walleye and wiper at Willard.

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Downrigger release Question - by Uintaman - 06-11-2014, 07:31 PM

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