12-26-2003, 06:35 AM
[size 2]With the coming of the new year, I thought it might be interesting to post some pictures highlighting last fall's fishing adventures aboard the BaySport. [/size] [center]
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[size 2]BLM brought his Utah luck with him for a great weekend of chasing boils at Lake Mead.
[size 2]Saturday,08/30- Fished am, started at the Boulder Islands scratching a few off the surface. Headed for Saddle Island at about 6:45 and ran into several large boils during the next hour and a half. Caught 35 fish, one about five pounds.What a great Day![/size][/size]
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Saturday, 09/13-Fished pm, on the water at 4:00. Thought we would head over to Swallow Cove and see what we could scratch up. We saw nothing on our way through Las Vegas Bay. Not so much as a splash on the water. As we rounded Black Island we noticed some heavy bird action in a small cove to our left. You know, lots of gulls and terns (or whatever kind of birds they are) diving in the water. We moved in quick. JACKPOT! the entire cove was filled with stripers and we were the only boat around. We fished the cove and surrounding points for over two hours. A boil would surface and we would fish until it would end at the shoreline, then we would wait for the next boil and do it again. When all the action seemed to have stopped for the day we counted our fish. We were very pleased that our catch totaled 38! Most of the stripers were in the two pound range, all very fat and healthy.On the way back to the dock we ran into a large boil near the mid-channel bouy outside of Gov't Wash (along with about 20 other boats) and caught our last two fish! Both about three pounds, the biggest of the day. WOW!, our first limit of the season.
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[/center][size 1][size 2]Saturday,09/06- Took to the water with my friend's son, Kyle (11 yrs. old). Kyle has yet to master casting so I decided to spend the morning jigging. I've always ignored this method of fishing, prefering to hunt down boils instead. If there are no boils I usually keep looking or head home. Using capnJ"s advice from his post on 09/01, I rigged up the line counter reels with 15 lb test and headed out to the mid-channel bouy outside of Government Wash. We fished at depths between 40-70'. We caught 8 stripers, most of them in the three pound range. Young Kyle was all
s when he was pulling in a three pounder. We caught all of the fish on "spinnow" 2.5oz lures. It seemed that most of the fish I caught hit the hardware while sinking. Jig up, line would go slack instead of sinking right away, and WHAM! a nice striper! Kyle would just yell "I think I have a fish!" and reel it in, not really knowing how he hooked it. I'm hooked on jigging now. WE caught nice fish and compared to chasing boils, did'nt burn hardly any fuel. [/size]
[/center] [center][size 2]Typical Lake Mead Striper that is caught during the boil season. This fish weighed in at 4-1/4lbs. Fish this size make great tablefare.[/size][/center][/size][/size] [center]
[/center] [center][size 2]This is what it is all about. Fish litter the deck of the BaySport after some hot topwater action. [/size][/center] [center]
[/center] [center][size 2]The BaySport sits at rest at the dock.[/size][/center] [left][size 2]What a great fall season we had fishing Lake Mead!
[/size][size 2]BaySport[/size][/left]
[size 2]BLM brought his Utah luck with him for a great weekend of chasing boils at Lake Mead.
[size 2]Saturday,08/30- Fished am, started at the Boulder Islands scratching a few off the surface. Headed for Saddle Island at about 6:45 and ran into several large boils during the next hour and a half. Caught 35 fish, one about five pounds.What a great Day![/size][/size]
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Saturday, 09/13-Fished pm, on the water at 4:00. Thought we would head over to Swallow Cove and see what we could scratch up. We saw nothing on our way through Las Vegas Bay. Not so much as a splash on the water. As we rounded Black Island we noticed some heavy bird action in a small cove to our left. You know, lots of gulls and terns (or whatever kind of birds they are) diving in the water. We moved in quick. JACKPOT! the entire cove was filled with stripers and we were the only boat around. We fished the cove and surrounding points for over two hours. A boil would surface and we would fish until it would end at the shoreline, then we would wait for the next boil and do it again. When all the action seemed to have stopped for the day we counted our fish. We were very pleased that our catch totaled 38! Most of the stripers were in the two pound range, all very fat and healthy.On the way back to the dock we ran into a large boil near the mid-channel bouy outside of Gov't Wash (along with about 20 other boats) and caught our last two fish! Both about three pounds, the biggest of the day. WOW!, our first limit of the season.
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[/size][size 2]BaySport[/size][/left]