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Tip up fishing in Utah
thanks for everyone's insight- learning alot from this forum!! think i'll scrap the idea of picking up those new frabil tipups with the electric line counters.

fishing in the west certainly is a different ballgame than the midwest where i was born and raised. I didn't have a single trout pattern lure in my aresnal, now thats all i've been buying .......used to focus on fishing weedbeds, now its tough to find any....spent countless days fishing w/ live suckers up to 14 inches for musky and pike, now the only suckers i see are the monsters ive pulled out of the jordan river by my office.I very rarely trolled while fishing, since its not legal in wisconsin where i spent most of my weekends, now im rigged up with downriggers and really enjoy it.

switchin gears this weekend and hiking up to Lake Catherine by Brighton fly/spin fishing for trout, caught a couple of gorgeous fish up there about a month ago. gotta love all the options you have out here.

ill keep on postin' - see you on the water!

Messages In This Thread
Tip up fishing in Utah - by Blackellunge - 08-07-2014, 05:10 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Tip up fishing in Utah - by Blackellunge - 08-08-2014, 12:46 PM

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