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Expensive Trip to Sand Hollow-Quail Creek
Made it to the St George Marathon but didn't run it. Hit the Sand Hollow dam and worked it and had some success - after I rubbed shrimp scent on the lures. I'm not saying it helped but it didn't hurt. Crawdad was a good lure. Be careful how you walk on the small rocks, they give way. I slipped 3 times. The 3rd time I fell in up to my shoulders and drenched my camera and phone - $300 loss. Never really did like Sand Hollow. Paid a $10 entry fee. Water was wayyyy low. The island was really easy to get to.

I moved over to Quail creek and fished for bluegills from a raft (that kept on sinking).
Caught a bunch of very large bluegill - up to 11 inches and they put up a great fight. Camera was broke so no pics of them. The hung around the buoy line, away from the shore in about 30 feet deep. Can't wait to go again. No bass caught there.

Also pre-rented a room for 2 nites, $214 and the other couple couldn't make it, leaving me paying for the whole thing.

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Expensive Trip to Sand Hollow-Quail Creek - by Marathonman - 10-06-2014, 02:14 AM

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