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Chub Fish Tacos!!!!
I made it fishing twice this summer. Once to Scofield the other to Huntington. Due to scheduling conflicts I don't hit soft water very often and most of my posts on BFT are providing fishing info pertaining to the ice. Your chub post has prompted me to post on the two brief softwater trips of this summer.

Huntington - no chub caught and only one fish caught on the trip. My wife caught her second fish of the year, see pic for Smile[Smile] and tiger trout.

Scofield trip - many planter rainbows caught in the mid morning and my wife caught her first fish of the year and the first in many years, see pic once again for Smile and cutthroat.

Now to the meat of this post [:p],the chubs I caught in the evening throwing a lure from the bank of Scofield. I had my 5 year old daughter and wife with me and as I caught multiple 12" chubs and threw them "on the bank to rot" I said to my daughter that these were "trash fish". My wife ended up reprimanding my daughter (Keslin) at one point for poking a few of these fish with a stick and Keslin exclaimed that "dad says these are trash fish so it's O.K."

The lesson I taught her that day upsets my guts when I think about it, especially when I think about the lifestyle I try to live and teach to my kids in gardening, hunting, raising, catching, harvesting, preserving, eating, etc as much as possible for our food.

Since you have posted your two chub recipes I think about that day when I taught my daughter to throw away "trash" that is really anything but.

I now hope to get to Scofield when it freezes and reverse that lesson.

Thanks for your posts and enlightening a few of us. Who knows it may be that years down the road the DNR is planting chubs in Pineview and Fishlake to keep up with public demand[Wink].

Messages In This Thread
Chub Fish Tacos!!!! - by UThunter - 10-22-2014, 05:16 AM
Re: [UThunter] Chub Fish Tacos!!!! - by The_Red_Leaker - 10-23-2014, 01:43 AM
Re: [UThunter] Chub Fish Tacos!!!! - by wagdog - 10-22-2014, 11:06 PM
Re: [wagdog] Chub Fish Tacos!!!! - by UThunter - 10-23-2014, 02:07 AM
Re: [UThunter] Chub Fish Tacos!!!! - by wagdog - 10-23-2014, 02:22 PM
Re: [UThunter] Chub Fish Tacos!!!! - by dubob - 10-24-2014, 02:56 PM

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