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Channel Cat Questions?
[#0000FF]Welcome to the dark side (catfish). Utah has lots of good cattin'. And Utah Lake is one of the best spots. The advisory (PCB) applies mainly to larger and older cats so the smaller ones are both good and safe to eat. They all hit hard and fight well so if you want to play with them and then release them that's okay too.

There is no one-size-fits-all bait or rigging for cats. In truth, you can fish with just about any kind of bait and rig up just about any old way you want and you will still catch fish. But depending upon the water, the time of year, water temps and clarity, current food resources and other factors there are some baits and riggings that will produce better than others.

Chicken liver on a circle hook...on a Carolina rig...WILL catch some cats, somewhere, on some trips. But so will shrimp, nightcrawlers, carp meat, hot dogs, cheese baits, stink baits, white bass or perch meat (where legal)...and even plain old dough balls.

I haven't used chicken livers in decades. And I never use circle hooks. Nor do I ever rig up with sinkers...but I fish from a float tube. You may need sinkers if you are fishing from shore.

Catfish are not snobs. And they are seldom line shy or finicky. It is better to use a bit heavier line than 6 pound simply because of the potential for having to pull free from rocks or snags...or for abrasion resistance. Not a matter of breaking strength or visibility.

I catch lots of cats on the medium light rods I am using to fish lures for other species. But the rods I specifically rig for cats are usually medium or medium heavy...with some backbone. And again, it is not so much the actual weight of the fish. It is more a matter of being able to get a good hookset in a tough fish. Wimpy rods will result in missed hooksets and fish lost after hookup.

Size and type of hook should be determined by the size and type of bait you are using. For crawlers and small minnows you can use a regular baitholder hook in size 4-2. I favor Eagle Claw #84 with a ring eye...and I get them in bronze, red and nickle finishes since I also use them for other fish and sometimes color can make a difference. For fishing larger baits for larger fish you can use either larger size bait holder hooks...or go up to "octopus" style hooks. And circle hooks are good in the larger sizes for larger baits. They tend to lose their effectiveness when smaller.

Have fun in your new quest. We have lots of kitty chasers on the board and I am sure you will be able to get plenty of suggestions and assistance.

Messages In This Thread
Channel Cat Questions? - by BHuij - 11-11-2014, 07:33 AM
Re: [BHuij] Channel Cat Questions? - by TubeDude - 11-11-2014, 12:52 PM
Re: [BHuij] Channel Cat Questions? - by catfool - 11-11-2014, 01:07 PM
Re: [BHuij] Channel Cat Questions? - by lavaman - 11-12-2014, 12:53 AM
Re: [lavaman] Channel Cat Questions? - by BHuij - 11-12-2014, 03:57 PM
Re: [BHuij] Channel Cat Questions? - by cpierce - 11-12-2014, 04:59 PM
Re: [BHuij] Channel Cat Questions? - by TubeDude - 11-12-2014, 05:14 PM
Re: [BHuij] Channel Cat Questions? - by badbob - 11-12-2014, 06:49 PM
Re: [BHuij] Channel Cat Questions? - by TubeDude - 11-12-2014, 09:19 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Channel Cat Questions? - by BHuij - 11-13-2014, 08:39 PM

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