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Yuba...Auger or Floatube that is the question
First off, my bad, the perch derby is on the 24th. It's not this weekend, so you may have to adjust your schedule.
Second, I find it interesting that you rail on a guy who likes to catch perch when your handle is 'crappielover89'. Big perch can be just as challenging as your beloved crappie. (Granted, not the case at Fish Lake)
You are also erroneously assuming I don't like fishing for pike or other large species; you're wrong. I enjoy challenging, solitary fishing for tough species as well as a social gathering for the easy stuff. I don't walk away from a particular kind of fishing just because its easy. You rant about the reasons you like to fish and put down the reasons someone else likes the same sport . You sound pretty snooty and judgmental to me.
If you don't like fishing in a crowd, why do you post pics like the one of your buddies? Oh, and by the way, I wish them luck getting on the ice at Yuba this week.
Jus' sayin'.

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Re: [crappielover89] Yuba...Auger or Floatube that is the question - by JustJim - 01-15-2015, 10:59 AM

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