01-09-2004, 03:52 PM
$34.25 for a fishing and small game license with a second rod stamp, the .25 is for search and rescue, if needed. And gee, I got a free fishing map. Wow. What a bargain. All in all, and all things considered, I still think that's a good deal, considering what the fine is for NOT having one on your person if a Game Warden, complete with 4"-barrel attached to a lethal .357 Magnum on his/hers hip, decides to check.
Colorado legislators are in session only four months before returning to their home planet and demension, and they started yesterday. They remind me of a group of ten-year olds fighting over the last cupcake. It should be called Colorado Day Care instead of legislature. But I won't say that, it would insult the true day care centers.
Colorado legislators are in session only four months before returning to their home planet and demension, and they started yesterday. They remind me of a group of ten-year olds fighting over the last cupcake. It should be called Colorado Day Care instead of legislature. But I won't say that, it would insult the true day care centers.