03-16-2015, 04:15 PM
Update - If any of you are interested I got my Cabelas Traditional III a few weeks ago and I have been fishing it pretty consistently. Then yesterday when I was out fishing with my sons the top section of the rod broke off right at one of the guides. I really did like the rod although I felt like it was quite heavy compared to my BVK 5WT. But the action was okay and it did what I told it to for the most part. Anyway, lesson learned and I packed it up and shipped it back to Cabelas for a refund this morning. Last night I ordered an Allen 8'6" 4WT. Looking back I shouldn't have been splitting hairs on cost. The Cabelas set me back about $82 bucks and with a promo code on the Allen website I got the Compass for like $98 with tax and shipping included. No brainer, but for some reason I didn't have my sense about me on the first go around. Based on the reviews on this website of the Allen rods I think I may have found my bargain 4WT.