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Starvation Reservoir Brown Trout
[quote RangerRat] My opinion is to let them [June suckers] go, we gave it a valiant effort but ti's not meant to be.[/quote]

[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]

But they have a lot more ideas on the table. Most of which will be better for June suckers than for fishermen.


The #1 goal of the recover is:
Recover the June sucker to the extent that it no longer requires protection under the Endangered Species Act.

What is the tool they are using to help achieve that goal?
A healthy habitat for the fish benefits the entire ecosystem of the lake and the people who live around it.

I just cannot understand how a community of anglers can possibly not be FOR the recovery program.

Clean up Utah Lake. Improve water quality. Improve tributaries. Improve riparian areas. Secure access. Protect access.

Better for the suckers than for anglers??
I think not.

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Re: [TubeDude] Starvation Reservoir Brown Trout - by PBH - 05-12-2015, 06:42 PM

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