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Unofficial Catfish Contest Scores
Dang Jeff, you are a busy beaver. Not only organizing and prepping for all that wonderful chowder, but graphing charting and graphing! I used to try to get an update at least once a month, but I can't keep up with updating with each entry. Maybe if we had a Google site or some such.

I'm a biologist/programmer not an engineer, so I try to keep it simple. I'm sure I could, but haven't written an algorithm to capture the top scores per team either. 10 is twice as hard to track as 5 was (THAT math I can do!).

Couple of my thoughts on the charting and graphing. (1) I'm a little OCD so I set all fields to display one decimal. Easier on my tired ol' eyes. I liked to include a legend on the graph, so you can see who the real legends are. Colors are great, but I'd include a legend for those two. And I really think my mud-cat needs a color all her own! Smallest fish entered! Bwaha (already have a 20 that could knock it off, but I'll wait).
Maybe we should add a separate category for biggest fattest ugliest mud-cat. Kinda like the carp, a single entry category!

Used to keep track of EVERY fish entered, even though I didn't show them on my display charts. Thought about offering a "MOST INCHES CAUGHT" or "MOST FISH ENTERED" but we know who'd run away with that prize! Teehee. Bump-de-Bump-de-Bump!

My philosophy on the team scores was biggest first, of course, then in the case of a tie, I'd grant it to the higher score holder. Doesn't make a difference to the results, but I just felt it rewarded overall position better that way. Otherwise it was who entered that size first.

I also tried to keep it simple and focus on what was pertinent to the actual contest. Means, medians, standard deviations, I'll leave that for the statisticians. But I did often report the TOTAL team score, because it usually reflected what a bashing the south was taking from the north, even though the actual team score was so much closer. THIS year on the other hand, the south has drummed up such support, caused me to break the contest in two! Kinda like Narsil from LOTR! But we will re-unite and reforge the pieces for the final battle! Mordor was in the South after all wasn't it?!

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Re: [SkunkedAgain] Unofficial Catfish Contest Scores - by CoyoteSpinner - 05-17-2015, 01:46 PM

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