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Monday BFT Kitty Fest 8-17-15
"Funny that a fish that doesn't fight very good has such a following"

[#0000FF]That is a myth perpetuated by folks who either can't catch them at all...or who only catch them on heavy gear while trolling at mach 3.

I have caught hundreds of walleyes...from just about every walleye water in Utah...and many other states. I usually catch them on light tackle...while casting. I feel the hard thump strike and the heavy headshakes very well. And I have had more than a few that make at least short runs. They will not outbattle a catfish, a rainbow trout...or even a carp of equal size...but they do fight.

They also have some special wally tactics to help arrange their early release...for bad behavior. No other fish I know of is as capable of making that last second open-mouth, head-shaking maneuver that gives you back your jig as you watch those lovely fillets disappearing back into the depths.

I wish I had a dollar for every nice walleye I have lost right at the net...after carefully battling it and coaxing it in. Heck, I just wish I had a dollar.

Messages In This Thread
Monday BFT Kitty Fest 8-17-15 - by TubeDude - 08-18-2015, 01:10 PM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Monday BFT Kitty Fest 8-17-15 - by TubeDude - 08-19-2015, 02:13 PM

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