08-21-2015, 02:33 PM
Last year, I suggested to the Park manger there at Willard that they should take this opportunity to extend one if not both of the short ramps there in the North marina. This Spring he told me they finally had funds and the approval to do the work but were planning on waiting until after the regular boating season was over before starting the work. They will likely wait as long as they can, so the water level will likely drop another foot or more before the work begins. I just hope this project is still on track to be done because things change all the time, even after they have been approved. I was also told there were plans in the works to dredge the South marina, if water levels continue to drop. They want to make the South marina as deep as the channel and reset the mooring points for the docks, so they will be able to go out farther, when there are low water conditions. As it is, the docks have been high and dry the last few years and only in the water a few months out of the year[].