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My New Creek Comany ODC 420 with mods
[quote fmrusmc]Thanks for all the ideas! They all sound good. I thought about buying the cushions for the seat but i just think that is more bladders that can go flat. I do like the board idea on the foam.[/quote]

My older version 420s have all but the seat back (no water contact) bladder nipple accessible from the sitting position while on the water. I did modify the bottom seat cover so that the bottom bladder is facing forward and can be inflated with a mouth tube to full pressure if necessary. That way I can easily control air adjust for comfort and support while underway, and don't have to return to shore to add air with cold water. Came in handy the other day when I had a slow leak in the bottom seat bladder and just continued fishing by adding air periodically while on the river. The shore was close by, so no real danger... Never heard of, or experienced a bladder pop suddenly.


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Re: [fmrusmc] My New Creek Comany ODC 420 with mods - by pontoonman - 10-06-2015, 11:46 PM

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