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Late bite at Lincoln Beach 10-16-2015
Nice report Pisco. Glad you had some good success.

I just got back from a three day deer hunt that turned in to a five day hunt when heavy rains washed out the roads back to civilization. No one shed tears over the extension.

I did get my crew out for a morning cat trip last Thurs. Good success but nothing contest worthy. We are still finding cats that look like they have been through a shredder?? We fish well away from the rocks to avoid snags but the cats are either still chasing wb in the rocky areas or they are at war with each other.

You are right about those 5 and 6 inch wb being the perfect bait. I'll be going out tomorrow and I will make it a point to try for some of them at the mouth of the channel. Left side?

And here's a tip: Fish the whole wb with a hook thru the eyes (I use a 7/0 size) and a trailer hook just in front of the tail. If you want to get nasty about it you can use a treble hook as the trailer. Also, a few pokes with a knife will deflate the bladder so the wb will sink without weight and will extrude a good scent trail as it Is dragged along the bottom.
Works for me.

I hope you find time to get out again... weather looks like it will be improving.


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Re: [Piscophilic] Late bite at Lincoln Beach 10-16-2015 - by Boatloadakids - 10-22-2015, 07:48 PM

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