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I must fish the weber wrong
Late posting this:

I fished the middle Weber just above Echo Res last Saturday. I caught around a million planter bows, and not a single brown. I am still yet to hook a nice brown on the weber. I continue to fish the Provo bc I don't have the same success on the Weber as I do the Provo. I must be doing it all wrong. I mean, it was still a fun day and beautiful weather but you can only catch so many planter trout before you long even more for the wild brownies.

As the day was ending I did stop on the lower part of the Weber and found a few Redds with fishing on them. I only got a few fish to look at my orange glow bug but none willing to commit. Probably deserves me right for even targeting those fish. The Weber continues to frustrate me Sad

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I must fish the weber wrong - by aspiringflymstr - 11-11-2015, 05:12 PM

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