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Ice Fishing Underwater Camera
I have a humming bird sonar. I have enjoyed it because it allowed me to see the depth that fish come through at.
Growing up we always fished one crank from the bottom, and it generally worked. Since I got my sonar I have been able to tell that the fish depending on location and habitat may actually swim at higher levels in the water column. This has proven especially helpful in deeper lakes.
When I have used my sonar with other sonar around, it takes a little bit to set it to the way I like. Depending on the model the different frequencies may make it easier to use around other sonar units.
My brother won an underwater camera at a fishing challenge, and he enjoyed it from time to time. But like what has been said, water clarity really effects the picture. Also if you move a lot you have to consider that you will be pulling up the camera and putting it down, aiming it, and playing with settings frequently. If you got your 100 ft cable that's going to take some time.
I will say this about the camera, if you have kids or someone new to ice fishing, watching fish swim through or watching the bite is a blast. It made my father in law excited to try the hard deck again.

Messages In This Thread
Ice Fishing Underwater Camera - by Jeremypalms - 11-30-2015, 11:36 PM
Re: [Jeremypalms] Ice Fishing Underwater Camera - by BearFisher - 12-01-2015, 07:33 PM

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