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Bear Lake Friday 12-11-2015
Those whitefish are really great smoked. I just fillet them, leave the skin on, and then carefully take the rib cage off with a standard fillet knife. Removing the "sides" or fillets from the fish is easy with a good electric knife. I ain't skilled enuff to use one of them fancy 'lectrics to do the rib cages. I just use a standard fillet knife. I also don't cut out the flesh bones if the fish is for my family. If I'm smoking some to give away, I will cut them out. Otherwise I pull them out when I take the fish off the smoker. If you run the flat side of your knife blade over where the bones are before you smoke them, they will usually stand out pretty well once you have applied heat and smoke since the meat has pulled away from the bones. Then you can yank 'em out and enjoy.

Messages In This Thread
Bear Lake Friday 12-11-2015 - by SkunkedAgain - 12-12-2015, 05:01 AM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Bear Lake Friday 12-11-2015 - by wagdog - 12-14-2015, 10:14 PM

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