01-23-2004, 07:44 PM
Keep in mind, this was two years ago. I'll be down there again this summer, I love fishing the surf, In one week, I got about 60 fish off the beach. The most fun was out on the beach at 12:00, you put your rod in your beach chair and you would watch it. When it bent over all the way, you usually had a fish. One of my cousins that really cant fish at all came out with me and within five minutes had a surfperch! They arent big, but they sure are fun, and they make great bait. We went down to a jetty, cut a perch up and got a really nice calico, which tasted great after filleted.Can Anyone tell me how much its gonna cost me for a week long license? I'm sure its around $70 for non-residents, but I'm not sure, now that I'm over sixteen, I can't fish for free! Hey, one more thing Kayote-You ever go after the grunion when they run? Ive been four or five times but never seen em', yet a woman right next to me got a bunch. There a cool looking fish.