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Did your state increase fishing license fees this year?

Hi again theangler,

I can't thank you enough for putting out that question. I spent a grueling 4 hour stint on the web and correlated a good bit of data on what the different states and the district of columbia gives to you and get from you.

Californians! You're being ripped royal! Lots of different slants on fees according to different fisheries. Lots of states have a combo fish/hunt license for almost nothing! Most states 65 year olds can fish for free, some can fish just park ponds, some places you get a discout if you only fish part of the year, some have areas where it's free to fish where others have stamps for certain areas and.....the list goes on and on!

Great fun, thanks


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Re: [theangler] Did your state increase fishing license fees this year? - by JapanRon - 01-25-2004, 12:08 AM

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