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POll: What wood do you use for smoking
My company just bought me a new chipper so it chips wood into small square shaped pieces on my next fruit tree removal I will snag some for you. One side note is when I chip the dead wood you will need to soak it in some water then let it dry out again it helps remove any dirt. But if you would like some live chipped wood I can grab you some of that also. But with my own smoking if the wood is not 100% dry it doesn't seem to have the same smoking effect I thought maybe it would be like throwing a live tree branch on a fire and it would produce more smoke but no I was wrong live and you learn but anyway I will keep you in mind for sure and get ahold of you when I get some

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Re: [wiperhunter2] POll: What wood do you use for smoking - by dratharman - 04-09-2016, 12:11 AM

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