05-22-2016, 02:30 AM
Little too early for grayling at least that I can think of. They can be found is several of the Uinta lakes as posted and on the Boulder top. Unfortunately you are about a month too early. Put June 20th on your calendar. Start watching the snow on the local mountains. Watch reports to see when the Mirror Lake highway opens (often about Memorial Day, sometimes later). About 2 weeks after they cut it open, take a drive over the top to see Mirror and Pass Lakes. When Mirror Lake thaws, the lower Uinta lakes should be open, so Marjorie and some others on the Crystal Lake trail are likely ready - you will still have some snow drifts to cross. Allen and others in 4 Lake Basin will be about 2 weeks after that.
About this same time the Boulder top opens. Look for Crater Lake. You can drive near on a dirt road (high clearance vehicle needed). It is about a quarter mile walk to the lake from the road.
About this same time the Boulder top opens. Look for Crater Lake. You can drive near on a dirt road (high clearance vehicle needed). It is about a quarter mile walk to the lake from the road.