05-25-2016, 06:25 PM
Okay now for some serious questions since you have what my research has led me to... From what I had looked at I think vex/navonics pedigree on these products got my attention since they know what fishermen want in a finder and the T-box has that really cool mapping feature that I've almost been wanting to upgrade my Hummin bird to get.... So I see that a major plus and would go that direction in a hurry except for one draw back that is puzzling me... The T-box is a 12V system and I don't know how to get a 12V into the back country let alone recharge it for a second or third day... Weight is so critical and even those small 12V's still weigh a couple pounds and are bulky... Any idea how to get around that issue? They do have the T-pod that avoids the 12V issue and I think I can recharge it will the same solar battery back up I have for my phone... but it doesn't have the graphing feature... This is the dilemma I'm facing... Get a new feature and the back country sonar, but face the extra weight requirement or get a lighter item with sonar, but only have a unit that will be useful on backcountry trips... Price isn't too bad, but I sure wish the T-pod had the same features as the T-box... Thanks for the help and anything else you can add about it's usefulness would sure be appreciated... Thanks J