11-30-2016, 06:19 PM
I attached the blocks to the skis by drilling two holes through the skis at each block location then I used 8, 4" Lg X 1/4" dia lag screws with socket button heads...( same type fastener as you can see on the cross members.) So far I haven't counter sunk the heads due to fear over weakening the ski, plus I think in snow they won't contribute much drag, but the fasteners are located 1.5" from each edge of the block and centered on ski and block.. so there should be plenty of meat to hold it tight... I also predrilled the holes in the blocks so they didn't split when I put the fasteners in.. Okay I know it's overkill, but I used to do tool design for NASA at Thiokol and our motto was when in doubt build it stout... Hope this helps, any other questions let me know... J