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Ice sled (my Smitty)
Congratulations on your construction! I just have one question. I assume that the purpose of a Smitty is to lift the sled high enough that it clears the snow that causes resistance to forward movement, making it easier to pull. If that is right, then the height of the risers will depend on the depth of the snow you anticipate. Your risers seem pretty tall compared to those of the other Smittys I've seen pictures of online. Is that because you expect deeper snow? With shorter risers, you wouldn't have to worry so much about side-to-side wobble, right? Then you wouldn't have to reinforce the corners with triangles or angle irons. I'm just wondering about this trade-off before I make my own. You have inspired me! If you can educate me on this point I will be doubly appreciative. Thanks!

Messages In This Thread
Ice sled (my Smitty) - by SkunkedAgain - 11-28-2016, 12:34 AM
Re: [castnshoot] Ice sled (my Smitty) - by Troll - 11-29-2016, 02:10 PM
Re: [Troll] Ice sled (my Smitty) - by Charina - 11-29-2016, 06:04 PM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Ice sled (my Smitty) - by SkinnyLynnie - 12-01-2016, 02:39 AM

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