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Smitty Sled
Okay good, I hope that post will help... When I get home I have a few updates to it... I put a clevis on instead of the handle now so I can pull it with the snowmobile at Cascade... I also added a hitch on the back in case I have to pull a second sled... Can't remember if I showed pictures after I put the gussets in or not, so I can get some pictures of my updates... The one weakness I haven't fixed yet, is counter sinking the bolt heads through the bottom of the skis... I used button head screws thinking they would be okay not being counter sunk, but I was wrong, I still need to get them counter sunk to reduce drag, however on snow they aren't too bad... but on slick ice they drag really hard...

I put the sled behind the snowmobile to see how it would pull the load and it pulls like there's nothing there, I really like it for this purpose... I was afraid a sled would make my snowmobile want to spin in as I was starting, but I didn't notice any difference between pulling the sled and not... I think you'll like the Smitty, biggest expense is the fasteners, but it was a fun project... Later J

Messages In This Thread
Smitty Sled - by fishgiver - 01-04-2017, 03:58 PM
Re: [fishgiver] Smitty Sled - by SkunkedAgain - 01-04-2017, 04:35 PM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Smitty Sled - by fishgiver - 01-04-2017, 05:16 PM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Smitty Sled - by fishgiver - 01-04-2017, 05:34 PM
Re: [fishgiver] Smitty Sled - by SkunkedAgain - 01-04-2017, 05:50 PM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Smitty Sled - by muirco - 01-05-2017, 05:19 AM
Re: [muirco] Smitty Sled - by SkunkedAgain - 01-05-2017, 12:27 PM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Smitty Sled - by muirco - 01-05-2017, 12:31 PM
Re: [muirco] Smitty Sled - by SkunkedAgain - 01-05-2017, 01:04 PM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Smitty Sled - by fishgiver - 01-08-2017, 06:25 PM
Re: [fishgiver] Smitty Sled - by SkunkedAgain - 01-08-2017, 08:57 PM
Re: [fishgiver] Smitty Sled - by SBennett - 01-04-2017, 06:28 PM
Re: [SBennett] Smitty Sled - by SkunkedAgain - 01-04-2017, 07:46 PM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Smitty Sled - by SBennett - 01-05-2017, 06:20 PM
Re: [SBennett] Smitty Sled - by muirco - 01-05-2017, 04:13 AM
Re: [muirco] Smitty Sled - by SBennett - 01-05-2017, 06:29 PM
Re: [SBennett] Smitty Sled - by muirco - 01-05-2017, 07:18 PM
Re: [fishgiver] Smitty Sled - by Fishheads - 01-04-2017, 09:49 PM
Re: [fishgiver] Smitty Sled - by utduckhunter2 - 01-04-2017, 10:54 PM
Re: [utduckhunter2] Smitty Sled - by 6x7 - 01-04-2017, 11:04 PM
Re: [utduckhunter2] Smitty Sled - by Dog-lover - 01-04-2017, 11:08 PM
Re: [utduckhunter2] Smitty Sled - by RonPaulFan - 01-05-2017, 02:02 AM
Re: [fishgiver] Smitty Sled - by Bluefox2 - 01-07-2017, 01:52 AM
Re: [Bluefox2] Smitty Sled - by Fishheads - 01-07-2017, 02:47 AM

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