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BEAR LAKE RPT. Friday 3/12/04
Bear Lake remains totally ice covered and the ice is approximately 15" thick. The nighttime temperatures have been in the teens and it is keeping the ice frozen. However, during the day the temperatures have been in the 40's and about 3-5" of slush has been forming on top of the ice. We still have approximately 12-18" of snow around the shoreline. There have been snowmobiles and 4-wheelers on the ice, but you need to use caution since there are some spring holes and the machines can get bogged down and stuck in the slush.

Ice fishing has actually improved this past week for both cutthroat trout and lake trout. Best luck is coming off of three spots. Cisco Beach, the pumphouse on the southeast shore, and off the Utah State Park marina. Tube jigs tipped with cisco are working the best. Best luck is coming in anywhere from 30-60 feet of water. Keep trying different depths until you find active fish.

There have been no reports on the whitefish fishing, however, a couple of good spots to try are off the rockpile and the weed beds south of Gus Rich Point. Use small ice flies or tiny jigs tipped with waxworms or salmon eggs.

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BEAR LAKE RPT. Friday 3/12/04 - by BearLakeFishGuy - 03-12-2004, 05:38 PM

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