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Willard 30 Jun
My bad. [blush]
C'mon brody nothing is free! It's cheap, but not free.
Sorry for the late post our little 14 fter was 54 for the weekend. Friday - Mon. Not bad but it doesn't have any lights and no fire extinguishers. We got talked to about that at the berry. Any Idea what I could do for light when I rent these boats? Is there a kit I could put on and take off? Or what about a big coleman lantern? Glowsticks didn't cut it.
yes they have navigational lights that clamp on and clamp off i bought mine at smith and edwards, they run on a couple of D batteries, cant remember what i paid because they were a necessity and price didnt matter [Smile]
Thanks I'll walk over to Smith and Edwards and take a look at them.
[cool][#0000ff]Welcome aboard. Please resize your avatar pic down to a maximum of 150 pixels wide. [/#0000ff]
i would love to, its pretty embarrassing having that big o pic. can you help me? what do i do??
i'm just seeing if i shrunk my pic properly, that big o pic is embarrassing, thank god its a big fish, would hate to have a pic that big of a little o trout, i am trying to fix it ya'll sorry for taking up the whole page..///man i hope this goes[crazy]
So how much did it come it at any way?
well if you mean the fish, it was a 60lb king salmon out of the Inlet Cook in Alaska, we were staying in Sobotna (not sure if spelled right)went out on a charter and this is the only one we got in the boat, my brother in law had hooked up on one but for some ungodly reason he quit reeling and the fish said bye bye, we missed the run by a week it was late last year, the weather picked up and the swells got 10-15ft high and it was interesting to say the least getting back on the stuff though... would do it again right now if i could!
[cool][#0000ff]If you will email me the original, I will do some enhancement, cropping and resizing for you and send it back by email. That is a great pic. I wish I could use something like that. I've caught some big kings, but never had a camera at the time.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]send it to [url ""][/url] [/#0000ff]
I was up in sward over Fathers day this year and all the locals were saying the run had stalled about a week as well. That is one very nice looking King.
i think i made some changes to the pic but i still couldnt get it little enough, thanks for your help, i have so many pics at home of fish that i want to share with all the bft'ers but now i'm afraid i'll screw it all up and take up the whole page with my pics, its work in progress, thanks again
[cool][#0000ff]Email me a few of the ones you think might make good avatars. I will enhance them, crop them and size them to the right size and send them back. Then you can change them from time to time. It's kinda nice to have that option and a good way to share your past successes or favorite pics. Not everybody on BFT is a computer nerd. Us mods are happy to help where needed. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My email: [url ""][/url] [/#0000ff]

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