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That's good people are slowly changing. In my diversity class this last semester we looked at virtually every version of discrimination: sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, etc. We're definitely making progress in many aspects but its slow and theirs bumps along the way.
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You took the link wrong, read the comment that folks are making to get the idea what this is all about.
I believe what Bob is saying is that you are still young and do not have the life experience to argue the points you have made. When we are young we all have or had opinions about polical and social issues that in a lot of cases changed as we got older and become more informed on the issues. A lot of schools today like to push their beliefs on the young and uninformed and of course a lot of young people suck it all in and believe it as the truth and not someones slanted view on the subject.
FYI: please do not post these type of threads on the Utah boards in the future as they are not welcome and cause us for problems than they are worth. You are welcome to post them on this board. As you can tell from some members, these type of post can and do get heated. You are welcome to your opinion but just don't expect everyone to share those opinions.
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Well the majority of the posts say Phil should have the right to say what he said because of free speech. I never thought I'd say this but maybe I'm against free speech in certain circumstances. By the way, I don't even consider the government shutting down being a form of "free speech" even though I just said I'm against it in certain circumstances. Democrats have never in our history "shut down" like the republicans can. Whether we want to or not, sometimes you have to try things to find out if you really like them. If they were really so against against Obama Care then they should have fought harder in some other way. If our government keeps shutting down then ultimately nothing is ever going to get accomplished, and like I said before, unfortunately you have to sometimes give things a chance before you really decide you don't like it.
If you are correct about what Dubob is trying to say, unfortunately I don't care what he says or thinks. He's not going to stop me from posting this type of thing because he tells me I'm to young. It's actually funny to me that he keeps on saying get back to me when I can offer a civil, meaningful and intelligent response but he's the one doing these things, not me! He came in here with an ego with the tone in his posts and changed the topic entirely from my original post. On side notes, you mention how school pushes agendas, I actually disagree and think religion pushes agendas, especially about homosexuality.
Some points they make such as the same sex can't reproduce are silly to me because they act as if the purpose of sex is that simple. In an extreme case a person will have 10 kids but that's a small fraction of the number of times they actually have sex. Clearly reproduction, especially in humans isn't the only reason people have sex. I don't mind civil disagreements and debate, I actually enjoy that. I don't like what Dubob did changing the topics and coming in here with an ego.
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Pick up a weapon and walk a post. You are leaving in a dream world. Semper fi!
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I can not believe this thread has not been locked .
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[quote FishingLunatic]That's good people are slowly changing. In my diversity class this last semester we looked at virtually every version of discrimination: sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, etc. We're definitely making progress in many aspects but its slow and theirs bumps along the way.[/quote]You call that progress? Hmmm. I call it the falling of a once proud civilization. The foundations of a once strong and moral society are caving in to fear and walking on eggshells.
Sure, gays have rights, but they want to be put on a pedestool and respected. Nope.
I mean, it's not like it's legal to harm them. What more do they want? They don't need to be ashamed, but they don't need to feel "empowered to be gay" either.
I'm not saying they should stay hidden, just stay quiet.
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This is what is coming out of our schools fellas, they've been enlightened. I'm thankful I'm just a dumb ol redneck who knows how to fix stuff. God help us. Phil's right there again nothing nice as va jay jay. God bless the USA.
Can you imagine 30,000 Chinese sailors on liberty in San fransisco? Lol
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I think everyone should have equal opportunity/basic rights. There are many problems with your assertion that they "shouldn't stay hidden, but be quiet and that gays should have rights, but they shouldn't be respected". A) They don't have equal opportunity so there isn't any way you could expect them to be "quiet". Marriage, adopting kids and other issues for homosexuals aren't legal in many places. In addition, many jobs don't hire them simply for the fact that they're homosexual. They aren't going to be "quiet" when they aren't happy with the way things are for them. B) Respect is required in order for human beings to get along. Having rights without respect isn't going to do any good. Overall, homosexuals just want to be treated like me and you. What goes on in the bedroom is private affairs and even most heterosexual people don't talk to anyone about what went on in the bedroom.
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Well said Bob.
And,in before the lock!!!
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I don't know if you noticed but this thread was moved from the Utah Off Topic board to the Not Necessarily Fishing forum, a pointer was left on the Utah board but I will delete it now that members know where it is.
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Alright well I'll say some couple things since this isn't technically locked yet. 1- I did interpret your get your head out of your ice hole statement wrong. Yes I am aware it is ice fishing season but I've been warned in the past for language use and I suspected you used the term ice hole as a replacement for something else.This did drastically alter my perception and interpretation of the rest of what you were saying. 2- I get the impression that you think i'm a cocky arrogant guy thinks he's the best guy but believe me, anyone who meets me in real life knows i'm not. I'm a nice guy and know I'm not perfect. If I was perfect then I'd get all A's and what not but I believe me being happy and experiencing the world is worth. Like everyone, I have character flaws.
3-Don't call me a kid. I was a kid a long time ago. Yes I have more to learn but I'm an adult. 4-I'm getting tired of treated like i'm a dummy. That's the reason I even reference me going to college. There's smarter people out there than me but i'm younger and doing better than a lot of the older ones. I'm not saying i'm Albert Einstein but I'm just sick of getting treated as inferior on this board just because i'm one of the youngest posters on this site. 5-Technically speaking you're right about the bigger picture about congress sucking but I don't think you can accomplish fixing such a daunting task without mini goals. I don't know if voting them out of office or what the solution is but the reason I made this thread was to accomplish the mini goal of having our government not be able to shut down. Maybe there's hope but I don't see how it'd be possible for there not to be disagreements between both sides. It's impossible to tell republicans to think like a democrat or vice versa. What we can't have happen is what happened this year.
6- I already told you politics isn't my passion. Yes it's prevalent in every persons life but my character just isn't going to allow me to take away time from my other interests to become more informed about politics. I'm not oblivious but I'll give you that I don't know how it all works. However, I don't feel my statement about it being pathetic that our government shut down was to radical for someone with my education/knowledge level in politics to say. I don't think you need a degree in political science to know that the way they handled the situation was unacceptable. I remember seeing tons of people on here frustrated with our government shutting down and state parks being closed down. It is flat out unacceptable to quit working like they did.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Well, will wonders never cease; an intelligent, civil, and meaningful response. Good job 'kid.' [  ][/size][/#800000][/font]
[quote FishingLunatic]Alright well I'll say some couple things since this isn't technically locked yet. 1- I did interpret your get your head out of your ice hole statement wrong. Yes I am aware it is ice fishing season but I've been warned in the past for language use and I suspected you used the term ice hole as a replacement for something else.This did drastically alter my perception and interpretation of the rest of what you were saying. 2- I get the impression that you think i'm a cocky arrogant guy thinks he's the best guy but believe me, anyone who meets me in real life knows i'm not. I'm a nice guy and know I'm not perfect. If I was perfect then I'd get all A's and what not but I believe me being happy and experiencing the world is worth. Like everyone, I have character flaws. [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]You're correct that your comments on this particular thread make you appear cocky and arrogant. And since, to the best of my knowledge, we have never met in person, I have nothing to judge you by but your written comments on the net. I don't recall that your fishing reports ever gave me the same impression. So, until we actually DO meet in person, the jury is still out on your demeanor.[/size][/#800000][/font]
3-Don't call me a kid. I was a kid a long time ago. Yes I have more to learn but I'm an adult. [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Kid is a relative term. I'm 71 years young and you're in your early twenties; which very definitely makes you a kid relative to me. And based on the probability that you've only been thinking about our political system for MAYBE 5 or 6 years, that makes your knowledge level in this arena kid like. So for the overall purposes of THIS thread, kid it is. [  ] (The  y face indicates that calling you a kid is NOT a slam.) [/size][/#800000][/font]4-I'm getting tired of treated like i'm a dummy. That's the reason I even reference me going to college. There's smarter people out there than me but i'm younger and doing better than a lot of the older ones. I'm not saying i'm Albert Einstein but I'm just sick of getting treated as inferior on this board just because i'm one of the youngest posters on this site. [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Nowhere did I (or anybody else on here that I can detect) say or imply that you are a 'dummy.' Uneducated on the bigger picture of USA and World politics for sure; but certainly not dumb. You need to stop thinking that when your elders disagree with you and try to correct your misinformation, that they are impugning your character. [/size][/#800000][/font]5-Technically speaking you're right about the bigger picture about congress sucking but I don't think you can accomplish fixing such a daunting task without mini goals. I don't know if voting them out of office or what the solution is but the reason I made this thread was to accomplish the mini goal of having our government not be able to shut down. Maybe there's hope but I don't see how it'd be possible for there not to be disagreements between both sides. It's impossible to tell republicans to think like a democrat or vice versa. What we can't have happen is what happened this year. [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]You've stated several times that you have little interest in politics; that it's not your passion. And yet you're passionate enough about the shutdown and the LGBT issues to come on here and get beat up over your lack of knowledge in this area. If you truly want to change the status quo, you're going to have to take more than just a little interest in the way it all works. Complaining about the way things are on a fishing website isn't cutting it. If that's the best you can do, don't bother.[/size][/#800000][/font]
6- I already told you politics isn't my passion. Yes it's prevalent in every persons life but my character just isn't going to allow me to take away time from my other interests to become more informed about politics. I'm not oblivious but I'll give you that I don't know how it all works. However, I don't feel my statement about it being pathetic that our government shut down was to radical for someone with my education/knowledge level in politics to say. I don't think you need a degree in political science to know that the way they handled the situation was unacceptable. I remember seeing tons of people on here frustrated with our government shutting down and state parks being closed down. It is flat out unacceptable to quit working like they did. [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]See my comments to your item 5 above. And please note that you are in a VERY SMALL minority of folks starting or entering a political discussion on this, a fishing website.[/size][/#800000][/font][/quote]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Life is good, kid. Enjoy it while you still can.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3][/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
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hopefully we can flush every republican down the crapper in November . .the people know who is on the side of everyday people
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LOL, your statement is laughable, "the people know who is on the side of everyday people", sure as hell are not the Dems. Let me take a wild guess here, you are a young person that is going to college that has no life experience and drinks the koolaid the Dems put out there to indoctrinate young people in the ways they want you to think. You are just like an old member that use to post on BFT that went by the name Southernman. I don't really care which party wins in Nov as long as they have the same conservative values as me. IMHO, Republicans are more in line with my way of thinking at this point in time but that has changed a lot since I first started voting in the early 70ies.
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the definition of conservative is old, backward, looking at the past for tomorrows answers, in other words, idiotic.
your conclusions are all wrong, im older, and have been around since the 80's when that jerk raygun gave the undocumented workers amnesty, raised taxes 7 times, and left the government with a huge deficit.
and the average American is for womens rights, workers rights, and human rights, everything the cons are against.
flush em all !
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Well I'm glad to read you are not a youngin but are you sure you did not go by the username Southernman? I do find your statement laughable though, you have a low opinion of one of our countries greatest presidents, but yet the current pres is so much worse and has done just what you claim Reagan did, I would think you would be ashamed to even be a Dem after how he has run our country into the toilet[  ]. Sounds like you are afraid of what is to come next month and you are getting on this site trying to stir up trouble.
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(In before the lock)
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no just a guy who is sick and tired of low iq fox watching idiots spewing lies and filth . . so where the proof in your statements about Pres Obama? What I wrote about raygun ronnie, the worst pres in history, is established fact. I c the only proof you put forth is your own unintelligent opinion . .