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clean waters

Here's an interesting read.

I didn't answer this morning to be able to take the time to read the article.

It's a pure hit piece.

We don't know that evil, hating Republicans want to destroy the environment, want polluted water and air, etcetera.

But, what we do know is there's a plethora of fear mongering claims to win the votes of those who will believe it. The vote is over, so this is reactionary as a globalist owned liberal main stream media with narratives to delegitimatize President Donald John Trump for their nefarious agenda.

We don't know what responsible regulations will replace suspended regulations.

But, what we do know is that, with orders of magnitude of complexities, regulations and even entire agencies IRS, FCC, FBI, BATFE, FEC and a long list HAVE BEEN WEAPONIZED to advance disguised agendas and discriminate against conservatives who vote to keep our United States of America while allowing unfair advantage rule breaking of those who vote to "fundamentally change" (meaning to end) our United States of America and "make it more like the other nations of the world" thus reversing The Five Thousand Year Leap (title of a book we should all read).

All of the convoluted evil hidden in tall stacks of pages of complex legislations of eight years in the making would take years to unravel and repair.

But, people need to know they are safe to invest in creating businesses and jobs to economically thrive rather than speed to The Great Collapse. That's an important signal we're getting, so enterprise isn't delayed all those years and then stopped by The Great Collapse.

Expect regulations to exist that preclude pollution. Expect our own agencies to not be the major polluters like that toxic mine waste dumped into our rivers.

No one who has met me believes that I favor pollution.

These political weapons have been used to stop farmers from growing almonds ... (long list -- longer than I have time).
Interesting, it isn't that far fetched and could easily be a Sad reality

Trump himself isn't one for the outdoors and his advisors aren't environmentalists there all Wall street bankers and oil men. So Im just guessing here but when the decision comes up thats land vs corporation, corporation will most likely win I mean look at Trumps decision to green light the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines.

So not seeing shining light for anglers or any outdoor recreation but well have to wait and see what happens
Speaking of the EPA;
RPF, it's just more of the liberal media BS. Since his inauguration, they refuse to listen and accept the alternate facts that prove his inauguration was the best attended ever. They even go so far as to produce photo shopped pictures that appear to make the mall look empty in their attempt to discredit him. They also keep insisting that there really weren't three to five million illegal votes cast that allowed HRC to capture the popular vote. The final insult has been their lack of coverage of President Trump's executive order signed immediately after he was sworn in that made that historic day a National Day of Patriotic Devotion. Thank the Lord for Breitbard.

Sometimes called the fourth branch of government, agencies are packed full of political operatives of recently weaponized bureaucracies. These hacks have power and intention to sabotage our newly elected administration. They are protected from being fired, are often totally unaccountable to the public and the voters, have the awesome power to create "rules" with the same effect as law with protections of anonymity. They haven't been elected to anything and can't be voted out. Their bureaucracies often take on the roles of all three branches of government {legislation, judicial and executive} and lately even have their own armed enforcement officers.

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia (link below):

"The administrative agencies that are funded from public money may exercise powers granted by Congress. Without appropriate controls and oversight this practice may result in a bureaucracy (in the original literal sense). Some critics have argued that a central paradox at the heart of the American political system is democracy's reliance on the what the critics view as undemocratic bureaucratic institutions that characterize the administrative agencies of government.[4] An argument made for calling administrative agencies a "fourth branch" of government is the fact that such agencies typically exercise all three constitutionally divided powers within a single bureaucratic body: That is, agencies legislate (a power vested solely in the legislature by the Constitution)[5] through delegated rulemaking authority; investigate, execute, and enforce such rules (via the executive power these agencies are typically organized under); and apply, interpret, and enforce compliance with such rules (a power separately vested in the judicial branch).[6] Additionally, non-executive, or "independent" administrative agencies are often called a fourth branch of government, as they create rules with the effect of law, yet may be comprised at least partially of private, non-governmental actors."
I really don't want to start trouble but FatBiker, I really can't believe you are saying thank the lord for a man like Donald Trump becoming president. As for the size of his inauguration...the fact he even brought that up show's his insecurity. As for the the photos being photoshopped...they were taken at a different time of day, when the crowds were dispersed. That being said you really should do some research and know that there were 3 million less attendee's than Obama's inauguration. It doesn't matter like I said before but that's the truth.

There is no reasonable proof that there were 3-5 million illegal votes. All fact check check sites call out his bullshit claim. What we do know is that Trump himself recently has admitted to having a relationship with Russia and that they interfered with the election.

What executive orders are you talking about? The one that temporarily increases jobs for people with no degrees who all they could do was work for a mining, coal, oil and gas or manufacturing companies but that will decrease our recreation access, and reduce employment opportunities for recent graduates like myself with his EPA hiring and funding freezes and federal funds freezes? The one where he in one day declared to go forward on a pipeline that at minimum should have been given much more thought and consideration beings as it's been halted?

You are right he did sign an anti-abortion executive order that you republican's can't live without.
There are no ends to what the liberal media will do to discredit President Trump. Here's an article by the Huffington Post that claims to prove that Donalds hands are 85% SMALLER than the average American man. How insulting is that? FAKE NEWS at its worst!!!

If I remember correctly Fox News has done many of the same you claim the liberal media is doing.

Photo manipulation:[url ""]Sean Hannity[/url] misrepresented video footage purportedly showing large crowds on a health-care protest orchestrated by Rep. [url ""]Michele Bachmann[/url]. showed inconsistencies in alternating shots according to the color of the sky and tree leaves, showing that spliced in the shots

Fox News anchor [url ""]Gregg Jarrett[/url] told viewers that a [url ""]Sarah Palin[/url] book signing in [url ",_Michigan"]Grand Rapids, Michigan[/url], had a massive turnout The video was actually taken from a [url ",_2008"]2008 McCain/Palin campaign[/url] rally. Fox senior vice-president of news Michael Clemente issued an initial statement saying, "This was a production error in which the copy editor changed a script and didn't alert the control room to update the video

Would you like me to post more example of how Fox news manipulated stories, fear mongered and flat out told lies there years of footage out there. [Wink]

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