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Outdoor Organizations against Trump
I'm not debating anyone about politics anymore but will let everyone on BFT be aware of what many fishing or outdoor organizations that fight for outdoor activities that you love doing think about Trump

Hatch Magazine-

National Parks Conservation Association-

Sierra Club-

Natural Resources Defense Council

Conservation Fund

Field and Stream Magazine

Will post more links and or pictures later
[quote FishingLunatic]I'm not debating anyone about politics anymore[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Yeah, it's always best to leave adult discussions to the adults. [Smile][/#][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Are you saying I'm not an adult? [Tongue]
<warning - don't get banned>

I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.
I will not post offensive statements.

[font "Times New Roman"] [/font][quote FishingLunatic]Are you saying I'm not an adult? [img][/img][/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Your chronological age puts you in the adult population. Your limited knowledge and EXPERIENCE in the political realm and your seemingly total ignorance of political FACTS definitely places you in the children's section of the population.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Here's just one example of a political FACT that you seem to have trouble grasping. You claim that because President Trump didn't receive a majority of the popular vote that he doesn't have the support of a majority of the country. Here's a news flash for you; the President is elected by the Electoral College, NOT the popular vote. President Trump won 56% of electors in the Electoral College by winning the popular vote in 30 states along with 306 pledged electors out of 538.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]In the Electoral College vote on December 19, seven electors voted against their pledged candidates: two against President Trump and five against Clinton. A further three electors attempted to vote against Clinton but were replaced or forced to vote again. Ultimately, Trump received 304 electoral votes and Clinton garnered 227. So, President Trump WON the election with 57% of the votes cast in the Electoral College. And President Trump is the FIFTH person in U.S. history to become president despite losing the nationwide popular vote. And contrary to what you believe and are trying to convince us of, President Trump has a majority of the States behind him. Those are FACTS that you refuse to except. So yeah, politically speaking, you’re still just a child.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3][/size][/#800000][/font][font "Times New Roman"]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
You didn't tell me one thing I didn't know. You're actually agreeing with what I've said in the past. Look, we can debate about whether the electoral college or the popular vote is the perfect system or something in between needs to be created but the FACT is the popular vote is the people's vote. It doesn't matter if our current system elects the president by the electoral college or not. It's an undeniable fact that more people voted for Clinton. Again, I already knew that there have been 5 presidents to lose the popular vote but still win but your interpretation of that is completely different of that then mine. It's a FACT that all 5 of those presidents were republicans. A republican presidential candidate has never lost an election if they've won the popular vote. To me that shows that our electoral college isn't in touch with what the majority of actual people vote.
The one thing I really like about some other online forums that I am a member of are the rules of no politics or religion in threads, wish BFT would adopt that policy, nothing good comes of these two topics in an online arena. My .02
[quote remo_5_0]The one thing I really like about some other online forums that I am a member of are the rules of no politics or religion in threads, wish BFT would adopt that policy, nothing good comes of these two topics in an online arena. My .02[/quote]
This is something that TubeDude use to enforce when he was a mod on these board. He wanted all threads of this nature moved to the Not Necessarily Fishing board. I agree with you about this issue Mike and have considered moving all these recent post to that board. What I have noticed is the same as you, fishing folks and political opinions make for some sore feelings, so they are better kept apart.
We should keep arguments to important topics like...who's the better fisherperson [Wink]
Agreed, please respond to my post on the Mod board.
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic]It's an undeniable fact that more people voted for Clinton.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]So what? Clinton lost. Stop the childish whining, get over it, and move on with your life.[/#800000][/font][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic]To me that shows that our electoral college isn't in touch with what the majority of actual people vote.[/quote][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Again, so what? The peoples vote does NOT directly elect either the President or the Vice-President. How much longer are you going to cry and whine because you didn’t get your way? The Electoral College does exactly what the Founding Fathers decided was the BEST method of selecting a President and a Vice President. President Trump won; Ms. Clinton lost. Stop whining like a petulant child. It is what it is and nothing you can say is going to change that.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000] [/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]LET IT GO![/#800000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Ok that is enough of this. I think we've kicked the dead horse long enough.

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