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Miracles do happen
[size 3][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I couldn't believe it when I got up at 12:30 AM to answer the call of nature and turned on the tube just to see where we were at and was just in time to catch Donald Trump's acceptance speech. Miracles do happen. Life is indeed good! There just may be hope for this country after all.[/#][/font][/size]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Prayers do work. Now I know if Hillary had won we wouldn't be rioting in the streets like spoiled brats. Finally the silent majority got out and voted. Now this is hope and change the american way.
I couldn't agree more, what a bunch of cry babies[:|].
The crybabies are the rethuglicans that wouldn't even follow the law and do their job concerning a supreme court justice. The Crybabies whiners and festered for 8 years with their bigoted attitude of obstructing Americas business to make it appear that the sitting President was worthless. While America suffered they voted to get rid of ACA over 50 times but would not vote once to make a change in it for the better.
I hear you bro. Obama did an excellent job for what he was allowed to do. He did get shot down too many times on items that could have benefited our country more.

We now have a new president. I still pray that something good may come out of it since I did not vote for him nor for Hillary. I did vote, just not for the top 2.

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