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2017 Utah Fishing Challenge -- MasterDaad
I thought it was time to put something on the board just to ensure I know how to do this.

I looked at other pictures and will make a better fish measuring block.

13" Smallie for this one.

[#00bf00]Great to see ya on the board... Next time remember to put date caught, and body of water where caught.. Good for 13 points... It probably was 13.5 but where the upright didn't touch the nose I couldn't tell for sure... Nice fish...[/#00bf00]

Caught at Deer Creek on May 27th. It's actually just shy of 14" but my measuring stick is sub-standard. I will make a nicer box before my trip this weekend.

I can't believe I won't catch a bigger bass category fish than this guy anyway.
Rainbow 19"
Cutthroat 19.5"
Both caught at Strawberry June 3

Didn't get the nice measuring box done yet...

[#00bf00][/#00bf00][#00bf00]Ok, got you for 19 on the bow and 19.5 for the cut... Where the one end of tape doesn't show, we need to be careful and take photo's that have both ends visible like your bow picture... Cut was probably longer, but couldn't tell from picture... J[/#00bf00]

Thanks! By next time I'll have the measuring box built!

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