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Hill BFTers Lunch Date
Hey guys I know there are quite a few of us that work on base or are in our area. Who wants to get together for Lunch one of these days and talk fishin'?
I am retired from Hill and have an interest in this after the holidays.

Hi , I am newly Retired from Hill and I also would be interested in this . Please let me know if this is happening.
Retired double Dipper. I'm interested.
I'd be interested too.
I don't and haven't worked on Base, but I do live close to the west gate. But unfortunately I work in Salt Lake so I am not around for lunch.
Would be interested in meeting some of the people around this area though.
Bryce Lowder
I do what the voices in my wife's head tell me to.
I am interested. Keep me posted. Trent
I'm in, just let me know where and when so I can have wheels to work that day or bum a ride from someone... Thanks J
Great! Getting some interest on this. I am a contractor so I don't have a very long lunch but we could do something. Where are you guys thinking we should do? Should we make a tentative date in February?

Anytime is good for me , February is fine . What about maybe on a Saturday maybe? Just a thought.
That would work too. I figured during the week some guys could use a break from the norm and talk fishing. But I am good with a Saturday too.
Week day is best for me, I'm up north on the weekends... a Quick lunch is best for me too, so I'm not off the clock too long... February is good... or either of the last two weeks in January... Later J
I'm an implant from McClellan AFB(15yrs)by way of Tinker AFB(2yrs)retired after 12yrs at Hill. The group I worked with at McClellan started up a breakfast meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Sometimes timing my visits back to Sacramento I would meet up with the old gang. When I retired here I started one with the group I worked with who are also retired on the 3rd Thursday as well. It's going on 7yrs successfully. A designated day of every month is a good plan that works. I'm open anytime until fishing takes priority of coarse.

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