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WFO ? My Hands Are Shaking!!
The AZTEC at Peirpoint 3-27-02 Just Reported there Overnighter With 17 anglers caught 17 White Sea Bass.......1.....Croaker ....Weighed.........50 lbs...!!!!!!!........"WHERE'S MY INCOME TAX CHECK !!!!!".....Argggg.!!!!<br><br>
Darn! I need to escape from Humboldt county for a while! <br>Thoughts of that kind of fishing keep a guy awake at night. lol<br><br>
Jan, It's Been A While, Since You, Have Logged In, And , I've Been Up Late, For All The Wrong Reasons, If You Have'nt Read....But Neverless I've "BEEN" Fishing, "NOT, WISHING"...........See Me In The Comming W.O.N. Paper, The Yellowtails, Are Nice, But "I Can't Wait, For The Amtrak " You Can Only Relate, If You " HOPPED A TRAIN, OR 2...." CHOO....CHOOO......<br><br>
Been pretty busy with the job here, lots of stuff going on to keep a tired old telephone guy busy.<br>I still look in a lot just been too darn tired to do a lot of posting.<br><br>I gave up on WON about a year ago and now have far too many places on the NET that I can get near real time fishing info nowdays to go back.<br><br>
KNOW HOW YOU FEEL, I GOT TO GET MY LIGHT TACKLE TOGETHER, BUT BEEN TOO BUSY AND VIRUS SCREENING......P.S. Not Sure But I Think The Bite's off for about a week....Temp... DOWN .....TOO QUICKLY<br><br>
we've had cold north winds all week, kicking to 40 on the coast, got things stirred up real good.<br>A couple of guys from work tried to sneak out in the early AM this week to crab and got blown off the bay by 3' wind waves.<br>And we have to do the taxes this weekend, and Sunday is easter.....and the wife and princess have these plans and on and on.<br><br>What I need to do is send them on vacation out of town so I can go fishing here. lol<br><br>

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