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Fliggin' Floatilla Willard 4-25-18
Thanks Pat, guess I need to go bigger on the bait. Seen some 6/0 hooks at Cabelas I guess I should have bought. But too many cats are swallowing my bait lately and so I just cut the line and let them keep the hook and at a dollar a hook I can't afford to do that and I don't want to kill the fish. So I'll probably stick with the cheaper hooks I've been using. See if I can make a bigger slab stick to it.

Hot heads was what I was thinking about. Thanks for the write up. Jeff
Looks and sounds like a really good time, Fellas! Every time I read a post by TubeDude, I learn something new! I also wonder how I might coerce him into letting me fish alongside him sometime at Willard? TubeDude- Do you need your lawn mowed, garden weeded, windows washed, dogs walked?? [cool]
[#0000FF]Hey, as those who know me will confirm, I ain't hard to get along with. And I don't broadcast all my intended trips but I ain't antisocial. Shoot me a PM letting me know where you live, where you like to fish and how you like to fish. Maybe we can "hook up" sometime.

[/#0000FF][#0000FF][#000000][size 3]"Do you need your lawn mowed, garden weeded, windows washed, dogs walked??"[/size][/#000000]

Hey, if I didn't keep doing all that stuff my wife would probably ditch me. Job security, ya know. Anyway, I love dogs but don't have any anymore. I get my "puppy love" from the three little "fuzzy girl friends" next door. A good deal...kinda like grandkids. I spoil them and they spoil me and then I can go home.

Thank you! PM sent.
[#0000FF]PM received...and replied. Glad you didn't send me a text telling me you had emailed me...or post it on Facebook. I don't text and I don't Facebook.

Hope you got the info and that it helps.
I have teenagers so to be able to keep in touch with them, I have to text!

I did get the information ... very much appreciated, thank you!

I'll be giving it the full study tonight!
You have found the secret to becoming a better fisherman. Hang out with Pat and try to practice what he'll teach ya. Pats a great resource and a whole lot of fun to fish with if ya don't mind being out fished. Good luck learning the ways of the master. Later J
[#0000FF]Thanks for the kindly words. But flattery won't get you any more free fligs. And you still gotta pay your invoice for the rods. I'll be bringing my collection agent (my wife) to the get together on the 5th so you better pay up or suffer the consequences.

I've been "paying" for years. Ouch. Ouch. Sorry Honey.
Followup report. I went to the North marina today. There were at least ten boats, toons and such in the boat harbor trying for crappie, along with a dozen or so crappie croppers on the bank. I didn't witness a single one caught but talked with one boater (Larry) who said he had one. Water 56° inside.

Not much better outside the buoys, either. I drifted the humps and had two catfish inquiries but no invitations accepted. Finally moved nearer the old roadbed and had a slashing strike. It was a dinner for two on the line, but the line was 6-lb test. No stopping that critter and it finally stitched my line through submerged trees. Pop. One of my best lures, too, dammit. Hadda be a wiper.

Water hit 60° as I packed it in.
"I didn't witness a single one caught"

[#0000FF]Any married ones?

Chris Penne of DWR predicted that the catch rate on crappies would be down this year. Looks like he might be right. But it is still early. My benchmark for the middle of the run is usually about Mothers' Day. If it hasn't happened by then it probably ain't gonna happen.

Sorry you missed your big opportunity. Always a bummer. But it makes memories that keep us coming back for a rematch. Hope springs eternal...or infernal...or whatever.
I keep thinking they ought to be staging up out around the "you know whats" but not a blip on the screen today. Did see some shaddy looking clouds out there, so that's a plus.
+1 on hanging out with Pat. He's really cut my learning curve on Willard. Another ten years, I'll lb a pretty fair fisherman on that pond. Until then I'll happily settle for mediocre.
Your trinkets treated me well today. Thanks so much, let me know when you are heading up here to Willard again. I will need some more. You can never have to many lures and such. I like the rattler one also. That is a big bow from east canyon.
Great post as always!

Sounds like a wonderful day on the water with good friends and fellow BFTers.
Yup I'll be sure to pay up I don't like crossing the bouncers. Hope you'll have a few of those new purple smaller fligs for trade for dollars at the flotilla. I'm not having much luck with the big ones. Might just be me. Thanks Pat. Later J
[quote RockyRaab]I keep thinking they ought to be staging up out around the "you know whats" but not a blip on the screen today. Did see some shaddy looking clouds out there, so that's a plus.[/quote]

[#0000FF]With the higher water last year the crappies were able to find spawning structure and stickups all around the lake. So "Rocky's Reef" was not the big draw it was during lower water. The water levels are even higher this year and crappie numbers are down. That is going to make it better for the crappies and worse for anglers.

The only guys who did well outside the harbors last year focused on fishing flooded brush...with vertical presentations. I suspect that will be the pattern again this year. Gonna be a lot of hunting between fish.
[#0000FF]Glad the goodies got some love.

I'll be bringing my "jewel box" to the get-together next Saturday.
[#0000FF]Thanks. When are you going to get your toon wet again?
[quote SkunkedAgain]Yup I'll be sure to pay up I don't like crossing the bouncers. Hope you'll have a few of those new purple smaller fligs for trade for dollars at the flotilla. I'm not having much luck with the big ones. Might just be me. Thanks Pat. Later J[/quote]

[#0000FF]Will have plenty of purple with me at the doin's.

If you are fishing the fligs from shore, I suspect you would do better by giving them some motion. Either cast and slowly retrieve or at least give the rod tip a few wiggles from time to time. I drag them around behind my tube...and a lot of my hits come just as I start moving after being stopped. Guys in boats find that using the electric to drag them at about .5 mph not only helps cover a lot more water but also attracts the fish better.

For "active" fishing from shore, you might also change up your rig. Try rigging "dropshot" style, with a sinker on the bottom and a short 6-8" dropper to the flig knotted about 12-14" above the sinker. You can also use a small 3-way swivel to tie in the flig dropper. Then cast out and let it hit bottom. Now start a slow retrieve with some rod twitches.

Catfish have better vision than most people think. That's why the colors work well. But their sensitive lateral lines pick up vibration very well even in murky water or after dark. So motion can help call them in. Then the combination of color on the flig and the flavor from the bait helps seal the deal.
Thanks Pat I'll give that a try. I didn't think they were too big considering the size bait they were pounding. I didn't try them last night in the toon mostly because I didn't have a pole rigged to fish them and I had an area in mind to anchor up and soak bait. Should have tried them. Next time. Thanks J

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