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Two words - Yippee Skippee
Hue and I spent the last three days fishing for sturgeon. Well, the quantity was on the slim side, but the quality was on the amazing side.

I had received a report that fishing with Pat's huge fligs was the way to go for the sturgeon, so I went prepared with two of them tied on and ready to go.

The first morning, I quickly caught an 8' sturgeon and three quick catfish (the most catfish I can recall catching, on the entire boat, was two for the whole trip and this trip we caught 6). I thought I had found the magic way to fish for sturgeon, but alas maybe not quite so fast. Hue was getting about three bites to every bite I got and he was fishing the old fashioned way with his bait on the bottom. I will continue experimenting with various floating methods, on future trips, and decide later what seems to work best for me.

One catfish I caught was unbelievably heavy. It was only 26" long and it was so heavy that I had to pull out my digital scales and weigh it. It weighed over 11 pounds! I have never seen such a healthy specimen.

Hue landed his personal best sturgeon at 8'4" and although we only got 7 to the boat four of them were 8' or longer. Hue also lost two that would have likely also run around 8' (one broke off in the rocks and I cut off his leader on another one trying to reel in this second fishing rod).

When I hooked my final sturgeon, as soon as it jumped I realized I had hooked something special. We fired up the outboard and followed that sturgeon (all the time while it was dragging the boat upstream for 300 feet) three different times. I am confident had we not followed it at least the first time that it would have spooled me and broken off. After about a 45 minute battle we got it landed and measured. It was my new personal best at 9'4"![Smile]

Pictures are attached but realize that it is next to impossible to get decent pictures of a sturgeon with only two anglers on the boat.

I'm debating about whether or not I am hoping to catch an even larger sturgeon. I made the comment to Hue that I was uncertain whether or not I could land a sturgeon any larger than that one. Wow - what a work out.

Another great outing with Hue and someday I hope to get as many bites as he does. In the meantime I will just have to be satisfied with catching fewer but larger sturgeon than he catches.
Good job Kent, you’ve earned it with how much you fish for them. After seeing the pics it makes me still want to do another trip this year.
Wowza, Thats awesome. Thats a bucket list species for sure.
A fine looking fish you have there.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
[inline IMG_0097.JPG] Larger pics of Kent's monster.Unbelievable how big around it was. They are surely eating very well. I'm sure that I had one on that was bigger before Kent cut my line and let it get away. He doesn't always play well with others when it comes to fishing.

[inline IMG_0105.JPG]

[inline IMG_0102.JPG]
Good fishing to all.   Hue
[quote BURLEY]

He doesn't always play well with others when it comes to fishing.

Hey, I resemble that remark.
Wow! What a fish!
Man Kent, those are some BIG animals!
True, not every day that one catches a 440 pound fish. There are larger ones in there, but I need to rest up before going for a bigger one.
Congratulations on your trophy. How much did it weigh?
The charts say it would weigh approximately 440 pounds. It was a fat fish, so I'm confident that it weighed every bit of that if not more.
Nice catch
Why did you post such small size pics? When you click on them you can barely see the fish. Tiny!!
I will they were better pics so we could all see the 9 footer better.
Anyway, Congrats on a epic day.
[quote chinook]

Why did you post such small size pics? When you click on them you can barely see the fish. Tiny!!
I will they were better pics so we could all see the 9 footer better.


I edited my post and uploaded some huge files now (the prior ones were small ones I received from Burley). BTW Burley made a reply post showing larger pictures.
A couple of novice questions for you Kent:

1) How long did it take from the time you hooked that monster to the time you "landed" it?

2) What do you use to measure those big fish?

I'm tempted to ask you to take me with you sometime but I won't. I still get the creeps thinking about hooking an animal with "lips". There's just something not right about that.

[:/] [Wink]

--- Coot ---
It took approximately 45 minutes to land that sturgeon. I had my drag (100 pound main line and 80 pound Dacron leader) so tight that I could just barely pull out the line with my hands.

We use a PVC pipe to measure them. Burley has a measuring tape taped to a PVC pipe (I think his is 10' long). I have a PVC pipe with marks every six inches (see attached file). Mine is only 9' long, which I need to replace with one that is at least 10' long. The fishery biologist, for that stretch or water, has measured one that was 11'4" long (it should still be alive in the river).

What do you do when you hook a sucker? They also have lips. It doesn't bother me at all (it does take awhile getting used to the suction feeling when one has to reach in to remove the hook). You are missing out catching a fish that is larger than you are and fights like no other fresh-water fish I have ever hooked. For me bigger is better.
What do I do when I hook a sucker? I scream like a girl.

"it does take awhile getting used to the suction feeling" ... Oh man, that makes me squirm just thinking about it!
Ralph you are beyond help.[:/]
Thanks for sharing and congratualtions on your new PB. If you find a bigger one, maybe it will go easy on you[Wink]

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