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I’m “very busy” - US Commander in Chief “
Just saw a report that not only did our current Commander in Chief not visit Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day but he has yet to visit American Troops in a War Zone. They showed his previous response why he has yet to visit the troops- I’m “very busy “. Which makes me recall his comments on our previous Commander in Chief playing golf too much. He touted “I won’t have time to play golf”. Currently Trump has had time to golf about 150 times about 2-3 times the rate that Obama did. I’m not against any President playing golf or clearing brush on the ranch if they’re doing there job. But playing golf 150 times at $80 million of taxpayers expense is quite extreme while not finding time for a single visit to troops you command in a war zone in almost 2 years.
I don’t know maybe he’ll get a doctor’s note excusing him from visits because of bone spurs like he did during the draft.
Sounds like these numbers come from extremely biased sources.
[reply]Just saw a report that not only did our current Commander in Chief not visit Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day but he has yet to visit American Troops in a War Zone. They showed his previous response why he has yet to visit the troops- I’m “very busy “. Which makes me recall his comments on our previous Commander in Chief playing golf too much. He touted “I won’t have time to play golf”. Currently Trump has had time to golf about 150 times about 2-3 times the rate that Obama did. I’m not against any President playing golf or clearing brush on the ranch if they’re doing there job. But playing golf 150 times at $80 million of taxpayers expense is quite extreme while not finding time for a single visit to troops you command in a war zone in almost 2 years.
I don’t know maybe he’ll get a doctor’s note excusing him from visits because of bone spurs like he did during the draft. [/reply]

I'd like to see the exact system used for estimating obamas "price tag"(including irans big scam)
If you look at something on the internet you always get what you want to see but without bias I feel sure, even if true, still obama's golf cost us more in terms of money and lost leadership combined.
I found it a little odd a Christian president would go golfing and belittle his God on Christmas too.
Quote: President Obama is skipping the traditional Memorial Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery, a move that has dismayed some veterans -- and comes at a sensitive moment in the administration's relationship with the military.

Instead of speaking at Arlington, as he did last year and as most presidents have done, Obama will appear at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery outside Chicago.....

Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day honors those who died while in military service.

Last -He hasn't visited troops in any active war zone yet, but that's better than visiting a war that you promised to end and never did, 1000 times. Sure he will get to everything he needs to, eventually, even if only symbolic and also expensive to the tax payer.

Additionally- A interesting site for anyone who wants to learn about presidents visiting war zones. I found it interesting that Wilson never visited any troops (he drafted) in WWI but like obama was also elected on a antiwar promise..Kennedy never visited Vietnam but his excuse was really good. *going to remove this joke soon*
Spoilers: annoying pop-up ad.
out of 27 ever::
Bush Jr =8
Sir, I'm curious if the Washington Post it's extremely biased, what is your preferred news source?
Yeah, I think your right, everything is perfectly balanced, I checked, my source the devil and the your good guided me to that which was- that of lady Liberty Herself She came to me and said all was actually good, we don't have to worry, everything we hear is actually right, if its main stream and politically correct, we all will adorn our crows nets and and dance the village green. -Proving my lunacy
and creation of fantasy with no bearing on real events.

Perfect liberal logic came true, God is dead and criminally motivated rhetoric is actually what the universe is meaning by this life thing. I feel like Stalin was over rated, in my new eyes, he should of erased every non-being that didn't agree, instead of most.
His name is now god and socialism is right if it connects to this great time period.

Thank You.
-Perfect doth the crows net catch our souls, poverty will prevail lest our crows run rampant, to demolish our crops, suffer the crows or repair the nets.
Wow, impressive. So I'm still curious. What is your preferred news source?
My source was poorly chosen, every other source didn't exist, for what little mind power I struggle with.
I feel like what I'm told must be true from now on, no matter logical deduction and insight.
Sir, thanks for the compliment. Actually at 64 I wear the same water size jeans (32) that I wrote in 1972 when I graduated from high school. At 195 pounds I am 5 lbs. heavier. Guess you can't judge a book by its cover.
Holy Sh^*, sorry, I didn't know. Please have consideration for the weak minded, Your Lord. I will add all sources, even if its not relevant to the topic, that ever influenced my stupid mind.
Hold up commodore;
Your the man. And Your not fat, its just a thing you aren't and that wonderful, I would like to admit that I, am fat in confidence, in words that seem true but are delivered by Satan, which exists whilst God doesn't.
Got some sources! All from my memory, which can be wrong.
Source of calcium=cheese
Source of vitamin b-12 = liver
Source of pain = everything but my hair
Source of water = faucet
Source of my pity=me,
Source of my enlightenment=you
To be truthful
Quote:Re: [willami] I’m “very busy” - US Commander in Chief “
Wow, impressive. So I'm still curious. What is your preferred news source?

-I'm Confused about where I am and whats happening-

Larry flew east, one flew west,
One flew over the cuckoo’s nest...

I hate all news, because its always bad and smells like a liberal enjoying his own farts.
Any source? Or do you want to know the source of everything, ask God..

You want a real source? The source of acrimony is people that think they're debating but are actually drunk on their own carbon byproducts. Or possibly, trouble forming sentences in type, in this case.
Once more though, I had a little trouble fathoming your complex thoughts into coherent responses or questions. Once more I promise. It can get as real as you want. Just touch on every point of mine since I did yours.
Sorry, I didn't site my true source, the dictionary, its where you can look up words, put them into context and share a thought, adding imagery and rhetoric is the next step.
I wish I could only bow down lower to ignorance, nothing would make me happier.
Wow Willami, can't say I've ever seen someone end an argument so well by not getting into the normal dialog between liberals and conservatives. Well done.

To the OP of this thread, FYI and anyone else that makes a post like this, that is designed to start an argument, expect them to be moved to another board. If no one ends up replying and an argument or heated discussion does not ensue, then we will leave it here.
Clearly the post wasn't mine and the response to the response was over the top.
The topic of politics will never be touched, by me, here and I'm willing to censor any parts that could be viewed inappropriate, all though in such context every word with a vowel in it will be.
Just give me 12 hours, most of that was for me and know that the only way I ever respond to anything is by chance of what I read in the hot topics, if its in the Utah section especially.
Also- that I'm indifferent to all peoples origins and beliefs no matter where and of what they represent until they fail to represent the truth.
Curt, enough said. However, I only asked this gentleman his preferred news source since the Washington Post it's biased. This is the response I got for being respectable:

I hate all news, because its always bad and smells like a liberal enjoying his own farts.

Sounds to me like he was the one not being respectable. If I've violated your policy please remove my access from this board.

Williami, sir you're obviously crazy as a loon. My opinion
You don't have to call me a gentleman, but talking to ME wouldn't hurt. I've calmed down profoundly and regret all the time that I spent not fishing, or thinking about how I'd rather be fishing. And-time is what we need, from ourselves, from pol-o-tics, from colors and sounds, even the smells and feeling that we get from anything that comes into our senses, all programed to serve self instead of others.
If I could sweep the bugs that lie in my path I would but the sweeping and the displacement would create a worse event that would cause more bugs underfoot. Stopping thought, in any direction that has no end, will stop some worry and prevent some needless traveling that gets us nowhere but creates marks on the road that only look like mistakes, weather accident or not.
The second part of my reply wasn't directed at you willami but to the OP=Original poster. He obviously made this post and two others, just to get a rise out of members. We have been down this road before, that is why I made the reply. These kinds of post do nothing but cause members to have dislike for others that do not have the same political leaning as they do, it causes hate and discontent and I believe we have enough of that in this world, as it is. We all have different views and making a post like this one and the others, that the OP made, will not change anyone's mind. After having discussions like this one with Larry before, I could see no good was coming from it, so I will not go down that path again. This after all is a fishing web site and getting this far off that path, even on the Off Topic board, is not the direction we need to be going.
I didn't read anything, of which I am replying to but would like to know how I can serve your masterful presence.
Please read my reply to willami, my first reply was not directed at you but this thread has stepped out of bounds and will now be moved to the other board I mentioned. No reason to remove you from any board, you spoke your mind and so did he but that is going to be it on this board. You and willami can continue this conversation on that other board, if you like but both of you need to stop the name calling.

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