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Tomorrow morning...Utah Lake outlet???
My scout trip got cancelled this weekend due to another leader having a death in the family. Now I won't be heading up to the berry for some icefishing. In fact, it turns out I now have to work for at least part of the day on Sat. I was thinking of taking an hour and a half or two hours to do a little fishing either just before or just after work. I wanted to go to the Utah Lake outlet, since I been hearing you guys catching a few crappie and I haven't caught a crappie in 6 years, but I was wondering if the ice was still safe after the last couple days of warm weather. Does anyone know?

Also, if not then I might head to Hobble Creek and see if I can't get a couple of browns that have been practically left alone for the last couple of months.

Any help?
Bringing back to top.
i was down there today for a couple of hours the ice is plenty thick about 13" with 2" of slush i got there about 2 PM only had 2 bites the people that got there early got the fish crappie, blue gill, and a few white bass where is hobble creek ?
Hey aquaman, Hobble Creek canyon is above Springville. You take the main Springville Exit (I believe it's the 2nd one) and head west. If you picture Spanish Fork Canyon, the next one to the North is Mapleton Canyon, then the next one is Hobble Creek. It's stocked every summer with planter rainbows, but all year round you can do well for browns as well. Just gotta get away from the crowds. The road follows the river up the entire canyon, so access is pretty easy. In the winter you can only go up to a certain point, then it's gated. Just park there and walk up a couple hundred yards and start fishing from there. You can do well on small worms or flies.

I know for sure that the exit is exactly the 2nd exit past the Provo University AVENUE exit.

Thanks for the info. on the outlet.
thanks for the info have to give it a try some day any size to the browns in there

Do you fly fish? I used to fish Hobble all the time. It used to be really good. I've had 100+ fish days and caught Browns up to 19" when the conditions are right. Most of the fish are 8-10". I haven't fished it much the last couple of years because of the low water. The parts I used to fish were DRY last year but I'm sure there are some fish left. It's a small brushy stream and the fish are spooky but if you sneak up on them and toss a Pheasant Tail or Hares Ear at them it can be very good. Let me know if you want any more info.

fishmagnet is right. Most are 8 - 10 inches but it's a lot of fun. I like fishing small streams like that and sneaking up on wary trout. If you go in the winter you have the entire canyon to yourself usually. I've never seen any trout in there as big as 19'', biggest I've seen is more like 15. With the low water, there may not be any big ones left, but still plenty of small ones.
just watch out when there are too many people there the fishing gets really slow. I did really well in the morning when I was there by myself, and then when there were only two of us there at around noon it was good again. Then last night after everyone left and there were only two of us around 6:30 it got good again. I think due to the skittish nature of the crappie they leave in a hurry when there are a lot of people tromping around on the ice. If you can get out on the edges where there aren't a lot of other fishermen. It was nice talking with all the other guys out there though. My final tally for the day was 10 bluegill, but only one worth keeping. 12 crappie. Most were really nice sized so I only had to throw back a few and 1 white bass.

Did they put homes near that golf course? I fished it a while ago and I remember the land right there being all cleared off. I sure hope they didn't, that was a fun little stream. I only caught three browns but man there was a lot of fish in there. I even had one fish try to eat a stimmie when it landed on a rock, he tried to nudge it off with his mouth, funny stuff. I hope to get back up there this year and do some more exploring, Ive only fished it once. Anyone grouse hunt up there last year?
Exit 263 off of I-15. Go East until you get to the stop sign at 1300 east and then turn right (south). Stay on that road and it will take you all the way up the canyon. I have fished Hobble Creek a couple of times and it is a blast. If I were to go up there right now I would stop at the golf course and head up the river through the course. I have seen a couple of browns in the water while golfing there and I would guarantee one of them was at least 20 inches. Walk upstream and fish under the bridges along the course. The big fish I have seen are at the bridges on the 12th hole fairway and the one that both holes 13 and 17 use to cross. There is also a brige on hole 2 that has some nice browns under it. If you are ever wanting to go and wouldn't mind helping a guy learn to fly fish, I have only done it a couple of times, let me know and I will show you the spots I have caught fish up there. It is minutes from my house and I may be able to get away after 4:00 on week days. When the run off starts it is easy to sneak up on the fish because of the murky water and some of the bends in the river. If a beginner like me can catch a lot of fish there, even though I spent more time untangling myself and my line, anybody can. Good luck and let me know if you can go when I can.

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