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Flaming Gorge May 25 & 26
Launched out of Lucerne and headed up towards the pipeline. Fished between stateline and pipeline. On Saturday caught all fish at 25' on a pink mini squid, tried other depths but didn't catch anything. we had 2 limits on just under 2 hours. Biggest fish came in at 19" and three more at 16". Our last 2 fish measured 12" and we kept them for dinner since they were bleeding. Trolled back into Lucerne around the edges looking for lakers and didn't see anything. Went back to same spot on Sunday and again 2 limits in just under 2 hours, biggest was 17" and the rest were 15"-16" with only one at 12". Caught fish from 15' tio 37' on pink mini squid and orange trolling flies. We had to call it a day early due to wind, that lake gets nasty in a hurry.
Great information! My boy and I are going up friday- sunday. Hope it doesn't storm too bad. Thanks again
Congrats! Sounds like you had a great trip. We didn't do nearly as well as you did. Stuck to the Utah side though. Found most of our fish around 40'. Would like to see a pic of a trolling fly if possible.
On facebook look up Schindlers Fly Shack and Randy Beavis for trolling flies. All my flies are locked up om the boat right now. I will be headed over to Strawberry on Sunday and will take a picture of them at that time. You are more than welcome to meet me there and check them out as well.
This is one of Randy’s trolling flys

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