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Wunnerful Willard 10-16-19
Gettin along, Havent been out a lot this year. Sad when things get to where ya aint got time to fish. Better make some time pretty soon.
"Are those long-body whirly fligs different than the ones we got from you the last time we meet you at the North marina?"

[#0000FF]I didn't remember exactly what you got. But I suspect they are about the same. The first batch I made were on 3/0 hooks. The last batch were on slightly smaller 1/0 hooks...and wired slightly different. But the look and action should be about the same. The question is have you tried them?[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF][inline "WHIRLY FLIGS COMPLETE.JPG"][/#0000FF]
No, I haven't, you gave them to Ira, so I never got one, I did however use one of the older, short ones, on Tues, with the prop in the back. That is what I used to catch the last three cats I caught that day.
[quote TubeDude][quote wiperhunter2]Wow, that is a very nice wiper, it had been eating good that's for sure, not many of those big guys left I bet. Two days in a row, you deserve a week off after doing back to back trips.[Wink][/quote]
[#0000FF]Yep. That pig not only had a few shad in it's tummy but also big gobs of visceral fat. Hope the newest plantings take off soon. Been a shortage of wipers overall...but an occasional big one helps dull the pain.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I fished two days in a row because some doofus ordered some lousy weather for a few days. Better to overdo it for a couple of days than to have to wait a week for the next trip. That is from my book of famous quotations nobody has ever heard of.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Hey, I gotta get you guys some of those long-body whirly fligs. Perfect for slow trolling. The little propeller blades start kicking at .1 mph.[/#0000FF][/quote]
ya knows you can catch and release them big whipers
may help a bit with the shortages
and maybe take a little better photo then dead fish on crete with a quantification device
cause that brings me pain
[size 3]"ya knows you can catch and release them big whipers
may help a bit with the shortages
and maybe take a little better photo then dead fish on crete with a quantification device
cause that brings me pain" [/size]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Wow. A first post from an elitist fly-flinger and all you got to offer is a suggestion for catch and release. Typical. And I might be more susceptible to your suggestions if you knew how to spell and use proper sentence structure. Not impressed.
[#0000ff]It is patently clear you know less about wipers than fly fishing. That fish is likely in its last year of life and would probably die during the have most of the other fish in that year class. Secondly, there is no reason to NOT harvest wipers. They are sterile hybrids put in Willard for the sole purposes of controlling shad and providing anglers with a superb fishery. No argument for future propagation OR future angling potential.
[#0000ff]I have caught and released hundreds of wipers in the past... even when they were more abundant. I have even caught a lot of them on flies...which I also tie myself...and build fly rods, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You are welcome here but only if you post useful information and not pop in only to criticize others.
Maybe he should stick to skiing, Pat, instead of going out with no other purpose than causing serial pain to fish.
[#0000FF]Glad I no longer ski. I would hate to have to share the slopes with such a bum. Might cause me serial pain.
[quote TubeDude][size 3]"ya knows you can catch and release them big whipers
may help a bit with the shortages
and maybe take a little better photo then dead fish on crete with a quantification device
cause that brings me pain" [/size]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Wow. A first post from an elitist fly-flinger and all you got to offer is a suggestion for catch and release. Typical. And I might be more susceptible to your suggestions if you knew how to spell and use proper sentence structure. Not impressed.
[#0000ff]It is patently clear you know less about wipers than fly fishing. That fish is likely in its last year of life and would probably die during the have most of the other fish in that year class. Secondly, there is no reason to NOT harvest wipers. They are sterile hybrids put in Willard for the sole purposes of controlling shad and providing anglers with a superb fishery. No argument for future propagation OR future angling potential.
[#0000ff]I have caught and released hundreds of wipers in the past... even when they were more abundant. I have even caught a lot of them on flies...which I also tie myself...and build fly rods, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You are welcome here but only if you post useful information and not pop in only to criticize others.
[/#0000ff] [/quote]
"Game fish are too valuable to be caught only once."-
Lee Wulf
yur not gonna like my e- style much
not gonna phase me much if ya cant take heat and bust out the banhammer
and impressing flig flingers aint real big on my to do list
dead fish don't provide a "subperb" fishery
the don't eat many shad either
pictures of dead fish isn't superb photography

but its okay needing motors and live bait to git em or stringers of dead fish
didn't impress lee or joan either
sounds like your a not so huge flyfisherdude
tubedude do you sell these lures or know where i could buy some thank you[fishon]
[#0000FF]You can buy several sizes, styles and colors of FLOATING JIG HEADS either online or in some of the local tackle purveyors. Plug that into a search engine and you will find a lot to look at. Most of the commercial stuff works fine. I'd like to think I have a few "Utah colors" that work better on some waters and some species.
[#0000FF]I have been making my own for many years and have really ramped it up the last two or three...coming up with a lot of styles and colors not available commercially. I don't have a big 4-sale operation but I do sell a few. If you are interested, shoot me a PM and I will provide some additional info and pictures. And if you wanna come visit I will provide my address and directions.
[#0000FF]I'd challenge you to a battle of wits but I never attack anyone who is unarmed.[/#0000FF]
[quote TubeDude][#0000FF]I'd challenge you to a battle of wits but I never attack anyone who is unarmed.[/#0000FF]
id challenge you to a fish off but
[Image: IMG_8069_zpso5suo8rx.jpg]
I should probably not have dipped my oar in, but since I have, I'll make one last comment to fishskibum...

TubeDude has caught - and released - more fish than you have made false casts. I'd shut my yap and slink quietly away if I were you.

(Perish the thought.)
So why would you insult Pat like that? He has shared more useful information and useful tips that can be remembered. You can count on him to help all he can . as for a guy like you that just wants to stir it up we can do without. Are you really that unhappy? Just go away.
[quote RockyRaab]I should probably not have dipped my oar in, but since I have, I'll make one last comment to fishskibum...

TubeDude has caught - and released - more fish than you have made false casts. I'd shut my yap and slink quietly away if I were you.

(Perish the thought.)[/quote]
do you really row bro?
what class?

its okay I spend all winter climbing to ski in places
you and your sittin in a tube dude
will never set foot upon even with a chopper drop
[Image: ak304.jpg]
I like it that way
kinda like the rapids keep ya off the rivers
and yeah next youll tell me have gave up fly fishing cause it was too easy
[quote RockyRaab]I should probably not have dipped my oar in, but since I have, I'll make one last comment to fishskibum...

TubeDude has caught - and released - more fish than you have made false casts. I'd shut my yap and slink quietly away if I were you.

(Perish the thought.)[/quote]
youre not me
never will be
I don't think you can really row I got ya pegged as
more of an oar dipper or a trolling motor kinda guy
and I did time in mo so your gonna need to show me this rowing you do
I don't quantify successful fishing as catching any more
its kinda like gittin laid
you do it enuffs and you don't need to count anymore
and its not insulting to suggest bemoaning the #ers of fish as you kill them
it is hypocritically humorous.
but ya know I do eat eyes
when I can git em to eat flies

[Image: IMG_3958%202_zps8sobpsoh.jpg]
Just a few questions.Where are the Moderators today? How long to we have to tolerate this A _ _ HOLE?
I want to say the tubedude is very ethical and has earned his respect.He has shared great info with many on this board,the guy loves to fish and the outdoors.Tubedude is also smart enough to know there are many ways to skin a cat and fly fishing is only one of many,and no better than others.I remember a fishing trip to lake Powell for deep stripers with Hopkins spoons and one guy in the boat was using a fly rod,needless to say the guy looked foolish and kind of went down in infamy.LOL You need to step up your ego and only fish for wipers and walleyes fish English style and only cast when they are rising on midges.Become the ultimate elite angler,cruise the dike at willard and look for risers with binoculars.Those big flies you drag are just another form of trolling and would the greats like lee wullf approve?LOL
[quote fishroof]I want to say the tubedude is very ethical and has earned his respect.He has shared great info with many on this board,the guy loves to fish and the outdoors.Tubedude is also smart enough to know there are many ways to skin a cat and fly fishing is only one of many,and no better than others.I remember a fishing trip to lake Powell for deep stripers with Hopkins spoons and one guy in the boat was using a fly rod,needless to say the guy looked foolish and kind of went down in infamy.LOL You need to step up your ego and only fish for wipers and walleyes fish English style and only cast when they are rising on midges.Become the ultimate elite angler,cruise the dike at willard and look for risers with binoculars.Those big flies you drag are just another form of trolling and would the greats like lee wullf approve?LOL[/quote]
i bets its not gonna surprise you that I spent a good chunk of my adult life
applying roofing products as a scumbag, well paid, I puts down a lot of shingles pieceworker

I only do it for friends and fam now
or when really need extra fishin funds and throw down a side job
nor should it that I don't troll with a fly rod
don't have or need motors on the boat
"fisherman row" or so Robert nesta marley
its made to throw the line and the beauty and the skill of the sport is the throwing of the line using the whippy stick
[Image: wulff_zpso1iybwrn.png]
I don't fish seated
stand up and fish like a man on a mission
and the whipers like the strip and follow
probably wont surprise you that I have a poopfish addiction
and I spend a good amount of time on the dyke getting them to eat flies
if im not in back on the refugee on the sup gitten em
or at the gorge watching my backing disappear
[Image: DSCN1157_zpsv0z1royy.jpg]
[Image: DSCN1922_zpsq0tabmja.jpg]
[Image: IMG_8899_zpsd3ljhtpg.jpg]
[Image: DSCN2411_zpspv8xyl8c.jpg]
and yeah occasionally I gits em to eat the dry
[Image: DSCN0795_zpswmrpqrsh.jpg]
hell every once and a while I score kitty puss
[Image: IMG_8295_zps1hjy2017.jpg]
on the fly
[quote ice_sled]Just a few questions.Where are the Moderators today? How long to we have to tolerate this A _ _ HOLE?[/quote]
are you a millennial?

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