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I'm getting kind of antsy to be back out on the ice, but with the waist deep snow, the slush of another few inches, and drilling a hole knowing you're going to get real wet, sort of takes the luster off the moment.

It does keep a body in shape though if that body likes the total pain this endeavor brings.

I will be out on the ice again SOON, but without an atv or snowmobile it is Hard Hard HArd to get fired up!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know exactly what you mean. I'm hesitant to get out on the ice when there's water splashing all over the place while driving along. I actually turned around, parked in the open-water parking area, and hiked with all my gear in both hands and arms. Worst part is, I didn't catch a thing that night!
i know what you meen , those end of the day mussle spasams are really starting to annoy me , but i should look pretty buff come springtime from all the exersize .

ya' think with all the money the dnr collects each year they could afford a zamboni [crazy] , lol !

i hear the stergon season is over on black lake and that a couple nice muskeys were taken on the last day of the stergon season there .

i'm headed off to parts unknown today , just driving around and looking for a few different lakes to try out .

good luck to you when you head out !

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